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10 Hours (Estimated)
Access for 18 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
The Certification course, ICRI Concrete Surface Repair Technician—Grade 1, is for individuals who want to become a qualified inspector for concrete repair and qualifies the individual to perform pre- and post-placement inspections and testing. It includes the Education Course — five (5) online training modules and graded exams, an online knowledge exam and a performance exam (Video submission is included in course fee. When available, on-location live performance exam for an additional fee). By passing the five (5) online training modules and exams, the online knowledge exam, and performance exam, an ICRI Concrete Surface Repair Technician—Grade 1 certification will be issued by ICRI, and the individual will receive a certificate and wallet card. The individual can also be added to the ICRI Certified Concrete Surface Repair Technician database on the ICRI website if desired.
$240.00 - $560.00

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Mr. Peter Craig |  Scott Michael Tarr |  Mr. David L Paal |  Adam Bakeman
Five 1-hour webinars
Short Description:
Moisture-related problems with floor coverings and coatings are a serious and costly issue. Each year the direct and in-direct costs associated with such problems amount to billions of unplanned dollars. In this 5-part webinar series, experts in the field of moisture in concrete, testing, mitigation and repair will share information and experience in a ground up approach to the causes and solutions to such problems. The program covers the sources of moisture in concrete, the affect moisture has on slab behavior and the installation of flooring materials, the test methods used to properly assess slab moisture condition, moisture mitigation strategies, and more. 
$75.00 - $120.00

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8 hours (estimated)
Access for 12 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
The Education Course is for everyone who desires fundamental knowledge and best practices on concrete surface repair and requires participation in five (5) online training modules and graded exams, with each module incorporating education and training with questions. Those who successfully complete this program, including passing all five (5) online training modules and exams, will receive a Certificate of Achievement from ICRI.
$0.00 - $395.00

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David G. Tepke, PE, FACI |  Keith Kesner, P.E., S.E. |  Ms. Liying Jiang, PE, FICRI
2 hours
Short Description:
This two-part webinar series discusses structural condition assessment nuances, complexities, and challenges, including corrosion implications, considerations for coastal buildings, safety implications, historical aspects, new assessment tools, regulations, industry standards, and limitations.
$40.00 - $70.00

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Access for 12 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
This option is available for those who purchased the Certification course and completed the training Modules 1-5 and the knowledge exam — but failed one or more of the tests in the performance exam.
$99.00 - $149.00

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