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Publication Date:
Jun 01, 2023
Short Description:
The intent of this document is to provide objective, standards-based comparison for the specification, evaluation, and approval of the degree of surface preparation of exposed conventional reinforcing steel by abrasive media blasting and mechanical hand tool methods. This guide is designed for use with associated illustrative materials available in digital or physical form through ICRI.
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Publication Date:
Jan 01, 2008
Short Description:
Outlines the steps in preparing concrete for replacement material in areas where corroded reinforcing steel has caused cracking, spalling, delamination, or other types of deterioration. Topics covered include exposing and undercutting reinforcing steel, edge and surface conditioning, repair of reinforcing steel, and removal geometry.
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Publication Date:
Jan 01, 2008
Short Description:
Este lineamiento proporciona una guía sobre la remoción de concreto y los procedimientos para la preparación de la superficie paray la reparación del de concreto deteriorado provocado por la corrosión del acero de refuerzo. Se discuten la geometría de la remoción, la configuración del área de reparación, el proceso de remoción, la preparación del borde, la reparación del refuerzo, la preparación e inspección de la superficie necesarias para las reparaciones durables. Se incluyen consideraciones especiales para la remoción de concreto asociada con la reparación de columnas.
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Publication Date:
Jan 01, 2013
Short Description:
Summarizes the capabilities, operating requirements, and limitations of the various methods used to prepare concrete surfaces for the application of protective sealers, coatings, polymer overlays, and concrete repair. Benchmark profiles are included which provide visual standards for purposes of specification, application, and verification. In this updated version of the guideline you will find; surface retarders and handheld breakers have been added to the surface preparation methods; surface preparation methods have been updated; and a new appendix summarizes considerations for selecting surface preparation methods and describes various test methods used to evaluate the prepared surface. Plus, concrete surface profile (CSP) 10 has been added to reflect a more aggressive CSP used for concrete repair.
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Publication Date:
Jan 01, 2013
Short Description:
Summarizes the capabilities, operating requirements, and limitations of the various methods used to prepare concrete surfaces for the application of protective sealers, coatings, polymer overlays, and concrete repair. Benchmark profiles are included which provide visual standards for purposes of specification, application, and verification. In this updated version of the guideline you will find; surface retarders and handheld breakers have been added to the surface preparation methods; surface preparation methods have been updated; and a new appendix summarizes considerations for selecting surface preparation methods and describes various test methods used to evaluate the prepared surface. Plus, concrete surface profile (CSP) 10 has been added to reflect a more aggressive CSP used for concrete repair.
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Publication Date:
Jan 01, 2014
Short Description:
This guideline is intended to provide an introduction to hydrodemolition for concrete removal and surface preparation, the benefits and limitations of using hydrodemolition, and an understanding of other aspects to be addressed when incorporating hydrodemolition into a repair project. The guideline provides a description of the equipment, applications, safety procedures, and methods of water control and cleanup.
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Publication Date:
Nov 16, 2019
Short Description:
Illustrates and describes the application methods commonly used for placement of concrete repair materials, along with material requirements, the best applications, and cautions and limitations for each. In addition, engineering considerations, surface preparation, constructability, environmental factors, quality assurance/control, and safety are addressed.
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Publication Date:
Dec 01, 2018
Short Description:
A tool to help designers, specifiers, contractors, and manufacturers make the best possible decisions in selecting materials for the repair of concrete surfaces. It fully describes a process used to develop sound selection criteria that will ensure that, for each project, the material properties needed to produce durable repairs are specified.
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Publication Date:
Apr 01, 2012
Short Description:
This guide is intended to provide an introduction to the techniques and procedures used to evaluate and repair existing concrete structures post-tensioned with unbonded single-strand tendons. This guide demonstrates how the strength and serviceability of a structure that has experienced deterioration can be evaluated and restored to its original—or greater—strength and serviceability. Post-tensioning design, evaluation, and repair requires specialized knowledge. There is no substitute for experience and knowledge in working with post-tensioned structures. An experienced contractor and licensed design professional team is essential when working with post-tensioned structures. [Replaces 210.2–2002 (Evaluation) AND 320.4–2006 (Repair)]
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Publication Date:
Feb 01, 2006
Short Description:
An aid for the selection process, this guideline describes several methods of strengthening structures including externally bonded systems, post-tensioning, section enlargement and supplemental supports (formerly no. 03742).
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