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Eric Williams
25 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
Presentation will discuss Vision 2020 (Development, Successes and Challenges) as well as items which still need to be completed. This portion of the presentation will be followed by an overview of the presenter's perspective on the future needs for the concrete repair industry. All attendees will be invited to participate in a workshop to develop a complete list of industry needs (consensus if possible).
$0.00 - Base Price

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Mr. Stewart Abrams
41 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Richard Miller Treatment Plant is a 240 mgd cap. potable water treatment facility located in the California area of the Cincinnati, Ohio, US. After installing an advanced ultraviolet (UV) disinfection treatment system in 2013, GCWW became the largest water utility in North America to use UV light following sand filtration and granular activated carbon. The concrete filter gallery building was originally constructed in 1907 with 26 filters, with a 14-filter addition in 1937 and 7 filters added in 1964. After over 110 years of service, the structures started showing significant signs of deterioration, most commonly concrete spalling and reinforcing steel corrosion. This case study will highlight the methods used to evaluate the structures that involved conventional methods such as sounding, crack mapping, chemical and petrographic examinations, along with technology such as Half-Cell Potential/ICOR, Impact-Echo, Ground Penetrating Radar, and UAS (Drone) services.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Ms. Stacia Van Zetten
45 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The general sentiment around construction and modern technology is that the industry has been slow to embrace it. While this is true of the past, the current and future construction industry is all about modern technology. Not only does technology help to make the industry safer (something that has been a struggle for a very long time), but it is helping contractors to take back control of their budgets, to make smarter choices about project planning and equipment and is, consequently, pushing the green-construction trend forward. The purpose of this presentation is to provide a summary on the current technologies being used in the construction industry with a focus on concrete and to dig even further as to how these can be applied to repair projects. It will provide case studies on how using technology to bring ambient and concrete temperature, relative humidity and strength (among other) data online can help contractors be more efficient.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Scott Michael Tarr
1 hour
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Short Description:
Concrete is one of the most versatile building materials in the world and can produce floor slabs that provide an excellent platform for floor coverings and coatings. Water is an essential component of every concrete mixture.  Without it, concrete is not workable and finishable. If water is not used, the cement in the mixture cannot hydrate and gain the required strength.  However, once placement, finishing, and curing is complete, remaining moisture in the concrete can adversely affect the installation of flooring materials and the behavior of the slab itself. This webinar will discuss the importance of water in a concrete mixture and review a few concrete problems that water can cause, such as shrinkage, curling, ASR, delamination, dusting, and scaling. In addition, attendees will learn the design and construction considerations that can be used to minimize the potentially adverse effects of moisture in concrete.
$10.00 - $40.00

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Dr. Ali Abu Yousef |  Michael Ahern
47 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
After only six years of service, a 6-foot long narrow piece of concrete spalled off an exposed slab edge of a 680-foot tall high-rise in Texas, and fell 160 feet to the podium below. The spall was attributed to premature corrosion at the drip edge. The building featured approximately 9,200 feet of exposed slab edge over its height. Given the potential risk to safety and property of additional concrete spalls, the Owner requested forensic investigations, which (1) identified other areas with signs of similar distress and (2) determined the underlying problem of low reinforcement cover at the drip edge was pervasive. In response, repair options were developed to address the problem and restore intended durability. Given the building height, difficult exterior-only access, downtown environment, and post-tensioning anchors along the slab edge, the repair design and construction both had unique challenges to consider and overcome.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Mr. James T Boatright, III |  Scott L Weiland, PE
45 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
This update includes fall protection requirements for low slope roofs, façade access, and ladders as well as a timeline for compliance. This seminar not only addresses the recent 2017 updates to 29 CFR Part 1910 General Industry, but is an overview of all fall protection standards found in both Part 1910 for General Industry and Part 1926 Construction. The components of a Comprehensive Managed Fall Protection Program are also presented as well as specific requirements for the fall protection options available. Because many in the industry either do not understand the standards, are unaware of the available OSHA interpretations, or prefer not to spend money training their employees, misinformation is being spread. This seminar provides the truth about the required implementation of the updated fall protection standards and the standards that remain in place.
$15.00 - $25.00

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James Farny
1 hour
Audio and Video
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This session describes common issues to consider and potential modifications when using PLC materials to ensure successful implementation.
$25.00 - $40.00

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Mr. Matthew Sherman
1 hour
Audio and Video
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This session will explore the differences between bonded and unbonded topping slabs, discuss materials- and installation-related causes of failures, and provide guidelines to properly implement each type of topping slab.
$25.00 - $40.00

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Dave Fuller
1 hour
Audio and Video
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This discussion focuses on addressing critical areas to help avoid costly issues when installing protective coatings and sealers.
$0.00 - $40.00

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Pete Haveron
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This webinar will discuss the keys to proper surface preparation including establishing the appropriate level of surface profile, evaluating the concrete substrate and the material being installed to determine the correct level of preparation as well as the correct methods and tools to achieve that level.
$0.00 - $40.00

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