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On Demand

Fall Conference Bundle
28 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
The presentation, through case studies, talks about emergency response services for structural issues encountered during construction of new design projects. Among other examples is an eleven story precast parking structure. The contractor observed significant diagonal faulted cracking of L-beams (supporting double-tee sections) near bearing locations, few days after pouring topping slab. In addition, inverted-tee girders were observed to be supported on cracked corbels at other locations. A quick turn around was required to mitigate any immediate life safety hazard posed by the structural distresses and buy time for thorough investigation, non-destructive testing, analyses, and repair design. Another example is a seven story precast parking structure. The structure was under construction and reportedly erected out of plumb. Poor concrete placing practices and poor weld detailing led to widespread cracking in multiple structural elements throughout the structure...
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On Demand

1 hour
Audio and Video
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The mitigation of moisture in concrete floor slabs has become an entire sub-industry to the placement of concrete floor slabs that will receive a moisture-sensitive floor covering or coating. In this webinar, attendees will learn what approaches are being used to mitigate an unacceptably high level of moisture in a concrete floor slab and what pre-installation evaluation procedures are necessary to help ensure the success of a moisture mitigation strategy.
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On Demand

1 hour
Audio and Video
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Testing moisture in concrete doesn't need to be complicated. Five (5) currently recognized ASTM test protocols for testing concrete slabs for moisture will be explained using the "How and Why" perspective while providing the proper, yet basic, scientific context behind their usage.
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On Demand

1 Hour, 12 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
he appeal of a post-pandemic return to normalcy is undeniable. Everyone is ready to leave the days of mask wearing and Zoom meetings behind and to return to the days of water cooler gatherings and all-staff meetings. However, even as we (hopefully) move past the pandemic, it is critical for companies to not lose sight of what they accomplished despite the pandemic. Companies across the world innovated more in one year than they had in the previous twenty years to keep business alive. The question we must now address is: how do we maintain those initiatives and innovative ways of working that allowed us to succeed throughout COVID-19 despite the temptation to return to “business as usual”? In this session, Dr. Hataway will provide essential strategies to help you and your company grow your competitive edge in a post-pandemic world.
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On Demand

60 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Join us for an exciting hour showcasing new initiatives of ICRI; innovations at the chapter level; and a high energy panel discussion exploring lessons from the pandemic that are re-shaping our industry.
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On Demand

29 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
This video will illustrate an example of how various sections of ACI 562 are applied in the execution of a complex repair project, the repurposing of a historic train deck into a transportation hub for light rail trains and busses. Methods of evaluation and analysis, as guided by ACI 562, will be presented with a discussion of how these provisions lead to various repair approaches presented to the owner.
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On Demand

26 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
This video will discuss how the requirements of ACI 562-16 are used in the evaluation and repair of parking structures. It will take participants through a representative garage project, utilizing Design Example 1 from the Guide to the Use of ACI 562 as the basis. Evaluation and design considerations will be discussed relative to the Repair Code as well as QA/QC and the Engineers' Role during construction.
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On Demand

23 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
This video will illustrate an example of how various sections of ACI 562 are applied in the execution of a Precast/Prestressed Double-Tee repair project. Methods of evaluation and analysis, as guided by ACI 562, will be presented with a discussion of how these provisions can lead to various repair approaches.
Base Price:

On Demand

Fall Conference Bundle
1 hour
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
The iconic construction hard hat, a symbol of pride for the construction worker, has changed very little in 50 years. Developments in the understanding of the causes and prevention of debilitating and often fatal head injuries is leading to a revolutionary change in the way we protect our people from head injuries on the jobsite. The classic hard hat is about to change forever. This presentation will focus on new technology available today to minimize the effects of falls and impacts to the head of the worker. We will also focus on new technologies, already in development, that can further provide protection from head injuries. Industry requirements (OSHA, ANSI) will be reviewed, and the application of worldwide standards (EN) will be discussed and applied to new helmet development and implementation.
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On Demand

1 Hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Codes and standards are developed for use by design professionals; however, the use of codes and standards significantly impacts Owners and Contractors. The ACI 562 code was motivated by the poor performance of repaired concrete structures, specifically premature failure of repairs and limited durability of repaired structures. Development of the code was intended to benefit owners and contractors by improving performance and perceptions regarding repairs to existing structures.
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