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On Demand

47 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Industry questions related to moisture-related floor covering and coating failures will be answered by the presenter during a 1-hour webinar. Questions will come from ICRI members through a survey conducted prior to the webinar and PPT slides addressing the questions prepared by the presenter. Questions from webinar attendees will also be answered during the webinar.
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On Demand

41 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
The case-histories based presentation will focus on the use of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods to detect flaws and damage in concrete construction. Case histories will be presented for detection and mapping of flaws and damage in concrete such as cracking, delamination, honeycomb, void, corrosion, fire damage, alkali-silica reaction and low strength concrete. The case histories for the concrete structures are anticipated to include parking structures, bridges, buildings and dams. NDE methods will include sonic/ultrasonic, infrared thermography, radar and corrosion technologies where the results in many cases were confirmed by coring. The use of some of the NDE methods for QA of concrete repairs such as epoxy injection and patching will also be discussed.
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On Demand

14 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Sikalastic One Shot products, Sikalastic-720 One Shot & Sikalastic-726 Balcony One Shot, will be demonstrated. Sikalastic One Shot products are an innovation in traffic coating membranes that replace the need for a base coat and multiple top-coats in a single step. These products re-imagine how traffic coating systems are designed with a polyurethane resin that has both a flexible crack-bridging ability and is extremely durable. Sikalastic-720 One Shot is a one coat system of 45 mils with a proprietary aggregate blend designed for vehicular traffic. Sikalastic-726 Balcony One Shot is a primer-less single step polyurethane system of 35 mils with a proprietary integral texture designed for balconies and pedestrian traffic....
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On Demand

Fall Conference Bundle
37 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
Nondestructive testing is often used in conjunction with traditional methods to assess construction, material, or structural deficiencies in new construction. This presentation describes evaluation of unique delamination failures within below-grade, exterior walls of a new subway station. The walls were conventionally reinforced mass concrete cast against a soldier pile and lagging retention system. Shortly after construction, leakage at cracks and joints was observed and injection processes led to delamination of the interior surfaces. The assessment objectives were to determine the extent and cause of near-surface discontinuities and evaluate the structural integrity of the walls. Nondestructive testing included flaw detection using Impulse Response [structural mobility testing] and reinforcement locating using ground-penetrating radar. Sampling and petrographic examinations were conducted to correlate test results with distress conditions and evaluate the in-situ concrete.
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2 hours
Short Description:
This two-part webinar series discusses structural condition assessment nuances, complexities, and challenges, including corrosion implications, considerations for coastal buildings, safety implications, historical aspects, new assessment tools, regulations, industry standards, and limitations.
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Price with Discount:

On Demand

51 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
On August 9, 2019, Tyson Foods' Holcomb, Kansas beef plant experienced the first large fire in the meat processing industry in nearly 20 years. The long-burning fire precipitated the collapse of a portion of the high roof over the mechanical mezzanine, which housed equipment for numerous critical plant processes. This took portions of the plant, the second largest in the United States, out of operation for months. The pressures of substantial business interruption costs, as well as the market consequences for cattle feeders from the Southern Plains region, necessitated a rapid response. This presentation highlights the investigation into the extent of damage to precast members, including visual inspection, nondestructive and laboratory evaluations, testing, simulation, and analyses. Based on this investigation, members were identified for repair or removal and replacement.
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On Demand

1 hour, 4 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Concrete is the most widely used construction material and can be durable for hundreds of years; however, the main cause of concrete deterioration is from corrosion of reinforcing steel. Steel is thermodynamically unstable and will eventually oxidize to a lower energy state. The rate of deterioration in new and existing structures can be modeled to predict the service life based on the severity of the service environment, the concrete quality, the ingress of deleterious materials, and other factors to various degrees of success. This presentation will provide an overview of many of the service life models currently in use and provide an evaluation protocol for their application related to both new and existing structures.
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On Demand

1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This 60-minute session will be comprised of a 10-15 minute introduction to ACI 562, followed by a 45-minute discussion by a moderated panel of various experienced stakeholders in the concrete repair industry, including Specifiers, Contractors, Manufacturer/Distributors, and Owners.
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On Demand

9 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
We will provide a brief presentation on the AET team, the AET services and business, how we operate as a team and perform our testing services, and what benefits we can provide our customers. We strive to get to know our clients well, educate them, and provide innovative, multi-disciplinary, and personalized service.
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Price with Discount:

On Demand

4 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This demonstration shows a concrete repair application — PowerCrete Loading Ramp/Warehouse Apron.
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