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Protective Coatings and Sealers for Concrete

Total Credits: 1 PDH

Dave Fuller
1 Hour
Audio and Video
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Protective coatings can be an integral part of a long-term concrete repair and protection strategy.  From minimizing the intrusion of moisture and chlorides into a repaired structure, to providing waterproofing, chemical resistance, safety features and aesthetics to existing structures, protective coatings and sealers can greatly impact the long-term performance of repair areas and structures as a whole.  This presentation will focus on the function of these technologies, how they impact a repair and protect concrete structures, and how repair materials and protective coatings ultimately must work together as a system to provide long lasting protection of a structure. Attendees will ultimately learn the benefits as well as limitations of various coatings technologies in creating an effective protection strategy.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand how coatings and sealers can protect a concrete structure
  2. Demonstrate the key aspects of the coating selection process
  3. Learn how to evaluate different coating and sealer technologies to create a protection strategy
  4. Identify key project objectives that will influence coating and sealer selection
