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1 hour
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Short Description:
This presentation is based on the updated revisions to the original document entitled Guide for the Selection of Grouts to Control Leakage in Concrete Structures. This webinar addresses the selection of chemical grouts typically used to control and/or mitigate the ingress of water in concrete structures, specifically cracks and joints.
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Publication Date:
Jan 01, 2003
Short Description:
This special publication is a compilation of existing articles on various structural strengthening, stiffening, and stabilization topics, including external bonded reinforcement, external post-tensioning, internal post-tensioning, section enlargement and overlays, supplemental framing and span shortening, and strengthening and stabilization of masonry structures. The purpose is to provide engineers and contractors with a single-source overview of the various materials and techniques available to solve strengthening, stiffening, and stabilization problems. The wealth of information provided should provide invaluable “food for thought” to facilitate the strengthening, stiffening, and stabilization design process.
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Short Description:
This guideline can be used to educate supervisors, craft workers, owners, and engineers in safe work practices for the concrete repair industry. The guideline will have universal appeal, as it has been developed to be a visual tool that depicts the safe performance of specific tasks and the hazards associated with those tasks. The requirements described are based on the most recent OSHA standards and are intended to provide guidance and training in the planning and execution of repair and restoration projects.
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Publication Date:
Dec 01, 2018
Short Description:
A tool to help designers, specifiers, contractors, and manufacturers make the best possible decisions in selecting materials for the repair of concrete surfaces. It fully describes a process used to develop sound selection criteria that will ensure that, for each project, the material properties needed to produce durable repairs are specified.
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Publication Date:
Feb 01, 2006
Short Description:
An aid for the selection process, this guideline describes several methods of strengthening structures including externally bonded systems, post-tensioning, section enlargement and supplemental supports (formerly no. 03742).
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Short Description:
Illustrates and describes the application methods commonly used for placement of concrete repair materials, along with material requirements, the best applications, and cautions and limitations for each. In addition, engineering considerations, surface preparation, constructability, environmental factors, quality assurance/control, and safety are addressed.
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Short Description:
This guideline is intended to provide an introduction to hydrodemolition for concrete removal and surface preparation, the benefits and limitations of using hydrodemolition, and an understanding of other aspects to be addressed when incorporating hydrodemolition into a repair project. The guideline provides a description of the equipment, applications, safety procedures, and methods of water control and cleanup.
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Publication Date:
May 01, 2023
Short Description:
This guideline is intended to provide information for the selection and application of materials for fluid-applied waterproofing systems to concrete for horizontal pedestrian and vehicular traffic surfaces. Concrete is subject to deterioration by a variety of mechanisms. Properly selected and applied traffic membrane systems can protect concrete from deterioration caused by abrasion, moisture intrusion, environmental forces (freezing-and-thawing cycling), and chemical attack. This guideline provides information on the common service conditions, basic review of the properties of concrete, surface preparation, system designs, and materials used for traffic membranes.
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Publication Date:
Jan 01, 2009
Short Description:
This guideline will assist contractors, owners, engineers, architects, and material suppliers in the selection of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods for evaluating the condition of concrete structures. NDE can be a very useful method to provide quality control and assurance of repairs and long-term performance monitoring. Considerations in planning and executing an NDE program, including correlating with destructive methods, are discussed in the guideline. Guidance, including a brief synopsis of each method, is presented for selecting which NDE methods are appropriate for the concrete property/condition being assessed.
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Publication Date:
Oct 01, 2019
Short Description:
Provides information and guidance for the selection, evaluation, and use of surface applied corrosion inhibitors (SACI) for corrosion mitigation and supplement sound judgement by engineers, consultants, or others specializing in the repair of reinforced concrete structures experiencing corrosion induced damage. Understanding the existing concrete conditions and corrosion levels in the structure, the function and limitations of SACI materials, requirements for proper application and quality assurance/control during application, and evaluation and monitoring the performance are addressed.
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