Purchase publication Code Requirements for Assessment, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete Structures and Commentary (ACI 562-19) and publication Guide to the Code for Evaluation, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Concrete Buildings (562MAN-20) together. Hard copies only.
Reported by ACI Committee 562
This latest version of the code was developed to provide design professionals a code for the assessment of damage and deterioration, and the design of appropriate repair and rehabilitation strategies. The code provides minimum requirements for assessment, repair, and rehabilitation of existing structural concrete buildings, members, systems and, where applicable, nonbuilding structures. ACI 562-21 was specifically developed to be incorporated into the International Existing Building Code (IEBC) or to be adopted as a stand-alone code.
This is a reference specification that the architect/engineer can apply to any construction repair and rehabilitation project involving structural concrete by citing it in the project specifications.
Mandatory requirements and optional requirements checklists are provided to assist the architect/engineer in supplementing the provisions of this specification, as required or needed, by designating or specifying individual project requirements. The first section covers general construction requirements for all repair work. The second section covers shoring and bracing of the structure or member to be repaired, and addresses sequencing of repair work as the structure is unloaded and reloaded. The third section covers concrete removal and preparation of the concrete substrate for repair, and defines common equipment and methods. The next five sections cover materials and proportioning of concrete; proprietary cementitious and polymer repair materials; reinforcement; production, placing...
This exciting new publication has been sought for years, and it fills a need for a practical and current guide on evaluating, testing, and, where needed, repairing existing masonry. The book provided background, reference material, and guidance to design professionals, building owners, and contractors on existing masonry. Construction characteristics of masonry structures, typical material properties, and analytical approaches are included for historic, transitional, and modern masonry construction typologies. The main focus of the book is structural stabilization, strengthening, and retrofit with maintenance and serviceability items (such as water penetration and cleaning) addressed as subtopics.
This bundle includes the 110.1 (2016), 110.2 (2020), 110.3 (2021). 330.2 (2016) Guide Specifications. The documents cover Guide Specifications for Structural Concrete Repair, Epoxy Injection, Guide Specifications for Cementitious Bonded Overlay, and Externally Bonded FRP Fabric Systems for Strengthening Concrete Structures, respectively.
This bundle includes the 110.1 (2016), 110.2 (2020), 330.2 (2016) Guide Specifications. The documents cover Guide Specifications for Structural Concrete Repair, Epoxy Injection, and Externally Bonded FRP Fabric Systems for Strengthening Concrete Structures, respectively.
This bundle is for Hard Copies only.
This bundle includes the 110.1 (2016) and 110.3 (2021) Guide Specifications. The documents cover Guide Specifications for Structural Concrete Repair and Guide Specifications for Cementitious Bonded Overlay, respectively.
This comprehensive book describes the causes, effects, and remedies for concrete wear and failure. It is a practical guide to evaluation of deterioration and its causes, selection of repair methods and materials, surface preparation, and quality assurance of the finished product. Hundreds of illustrations show users how to analyze, maintain, and repair concrete structures for optimal performance and cost-effectiveness.
The Fourth Edition of the most comprehensive collection of information on concrete repair ever assembled in a single source. It includes over 70 documents from many of the associations involved in the concrete repair industry’s Vision 2020 plan, including ACI, ICRI, NACE, SSPC, and the Army Corps of Engineers, and from the United Kingdom: the BRE and the Concrete Society.