Este lineamiento proporciona una guía sobre la remoción de concreto y los procedimientos para la preparación de la superficie paray la reparación del de concreto deteriorado provocado por la corrosión del acero de refuerzo. Se discuten la geometría de la remoción, la configuración del área de reparación, el proceso de remoción, la preparación del borde, la reparación del refuerzo, la preparación e inspección de la superficie necesarias para las reparaciones durables. Se incluyen consideraciones especiales para la remoción de concreto asociada con la reparación de columnas.
This guideline is intended to provide information for the selection and application of materials
for fluid-applied waterproofing systems to concrete for horizontal pedestrian and vehicular
traffic surfaces.
Concrete is subject to deterioration by a variety of mechanisms. Properly selected and applied
traffic membrane systems can protect concrete from deterioration caused by abrasion, moisture
intrusion, environmental forces (freezing-and-thawing cycling), and chemical attack. This
guideline provides information on the common service conditions, basic review of the properties
of concrete, surface preparation, system designs, and materials used for traffic membranes.
This is the second document in a series of guide specifications prepared by ICRI. The guide specification addresses the requirements for the supply and installation of FRP fabric systems by providing specification text, optional requirements, references, and commentary to allow the user to tailor the document to a specific structural strengthening repair project, and use as a technical specification section in a complete project manual. Both the printed and PDF copies include a Word document with hidden text for easy modification of text to meet specific repair project requirements. Note that the design of the FRP system is outside the scope of these guide specifications.
Reported by ACI Committee 562
This latest version of the code was developed to provide design professionals a code for the assessment of damage and deterioration, and the design of appropriate repair and rehabilitation strategies. The code provides minimum requirements for assessment, repair, and rehabilitation of existing structural concrete buildings, members, systems and, where applicable, nonbuilding structures. ACI 562-21 was specifically developed to be incorporated into the International Existing Building Code (IEBC) or to be adopted as a stand-alone code.
The purpose of this document is to provide a standardized protocol for testing and reporting of data for structural grouts, which includes cement-based and polymer-based materials. It does not address all issues associated with material selection.
This is the initial document in a series of guide specifications to be prepared by ICRI. The guide specification offers a methodology for standardizing the essential requirements for structural concrete repairs by providing specification text, optional requirements, and commentary to allow the user to tailor the document to a specific concrete repair project, and use as a technical specification section in a complete project manual. Both the printed and PDF copies include a Word document with hidden text for easy modification of text to meet specific repair project requirements.
Summarizes the capabilities, operating requirements, and limitations of the various methods used to prepare concrete surfaces for the application of protective sealers, coatings, polymer overlays, and concrete repair. Benchmark profiles are included which provide visual standards for purposes of specification, application, and verification. In this updated version of the guideline you will find; surface retarders and handheld breakers have been added to the surface preparation methods; surface preparation methods have been updated; and a new appendix summarizes considerations for selecting surface preparation methods and describes various test methods used to evaluate the prepared surface. Plus, concrete surface profile (CSP) 10 has been added to reflect a more aggressive CSP used for concrete repair.
This is the second document in a series of guide specifications prepared by ICRI. The guide specification addresses the requirements for the supply and installation of FRP fabric systems by providing specification text, optional requirements, references, and commentary to allow the user to tailor the document to a specific structural strengthening repair project, and use as a technical specification section in a complete project manual. Both the printed and PDF copies include a Word document with hidden text for easy modification of text to meet specific repair project requirements. Note that the design of the FRP system is outside the scope of these guide specifications.
Outlines the steps in preparing concrete for replacement material in areas where corroded reinforcing steel has caused cracking, spalling, delamination, or other types of deterioration. Topics covered include exposing and undercutting reinforcing steel, edge and surface conditioning, repair of reinforcing steel, and removal geometry.