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Este Lineamiento pretende ser una herramienta usada para educar a supervisores, trabajadores del oficio, propietarios e ingenieros sobre las prácticas de trabajo seguras en la industria de reparación de concreto. El lineamiento se ha desarrollado para ser una herramienta visual que representa el desempeño seguro de tareas específicas y los peligros asociados con ellas. Los requerimientos descritos aquí se basan en los estándares de OSHA más recientes y pretenden proporcionar una guía y capacitación en la planeación y ejecución de proyectos de reparación y restauración.
$0.00 - $62.00

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Familiarity with contract types, the selection of appropriate repair work items, and documentation of completed work is essential for successful completion of a concrete repair project.This guide is intended to assist owners, consultants, and contractors in defining recommended methods of quantity measurement and contract types for concrete repair work.
$0.00 - $62.00

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This guide specification aids the Design Professional in the preparation of technical specifications for inclusion directly into a project manual for the construction of cementitious bonded overlays that are in line with the state-of-the-art materials and methods used in the concrete repair industry. The document provides an outline for developing the three parts of the specification through suggested text, references, and commentary for evaluating alternatives. This specification section must be used with ICRI 110.1, Guide Specifications for Structural Concrete Repairs. Both the printed and PDF copies include a Word document with hidden text for easy modification of text to meet specific cementitious bonded overlay project requirements. PDF version is free to ICRI members when ordered online.
$0.00 - $80.00

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This guideline is intended to assist the contractor, licensed design professional, and owner in the development of performance specifications for quality assurance and quality control of epoxy injection of concrete cracks. It includes process-control methods to assess if satisfactory injection work is being performed. Quality assurance methods described include visual observations and testing samples during the injection work, and removing concrete core samples and performing nondestructive testing of completed repairs.
$0.00 - $62.00

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This updated and revised guideline will assist contractors, NDE service providers, owners, design professionals, and material suppliers in the selection of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods for evaluating the condition of concrete structures. NDE methods can be very useful to perform a condition assessment prior to repairs and to provide quality control and assurance of repairs and long-term performance monitoring. Considerations in planning and executing an NDE program, including correlating with destructive methods, are discussed in the guideline. Guidance, including a brief synopsis of each method, is presented for selecting which NDE methods are appropriate for the concrete property/condition being assessed.
$0.00 - $62.00

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The purpose of this document, updated in 2023, is to provide a standardized protocol for testing and reporting of data for inorganic repair materials. Descriptions of material limitations, packaging, storage, label contents, application instructions, material composition, and material properties can be inconsistent, confusing, missing, or misleading. The ACI 364.3R/ICRI 320.3R Cementitious Repair Material Data Sheet—Guide is a first in the industry to provide this information in a standardized, logical, and consistent format so that repair materials can be appropriately selected and specified.
$0.00 - Base Price

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This guide provides a recommended method of evaluating the adequacy of concrete surface preparation and tensile bond strength of cementitious and polymer concrete surface repairs using the in-situ drilled core tensile pulloff test. The guide outlines equipment and material requirements, the test procedure, reporting, and acceptance criteria. This update also includes failure modes for concrete substrate tests.
$0.00 - $62.00

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Outlines the steps in preparing concrete for replacement material in areas where corroded reinforcing steel has caused cracking, spalling, delamination, or other types of deterioration. Topics covered include exposing and undercutting reinforcing steel, edge and surface conditioning, repair of reinforcing steel, and removal geometry.
$0.00 - $38.00

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Este lineamiento proporciona una guía sobre la remoción de concreto y los procedimientos para la preparación de la superficie paray la reparación del de concreto deteriorado provocado por la corrosión del acero de refuerzo. Se discuten la geometría de la remoción, la configuración del área de reparación, el proceso de remoción, la preparación del borde, la reparación del refuerzo, la preparación e inspección de la superficie necesarias para las reparaciones durables. Se incluyen consideraciones especiales para la remoción de concreto asociada con la reparación de columnas.
$0.00 - $38.00

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