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CE21 Test

On Demand

1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Moisture-related floor covering and coating failures are a very costly and disruptive issue with the direct and in-direct costs associated with such issues estimated to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars each year in the United States alone. In this session, a brief overview of the previous sessions will be provided and experts in the field of slab moisture, concrete, testing and forensics will answer your industry questions related to the subject.
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On Demand

41 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Richard Miller Treatment Plant is a 240 mgd cap. potable water treatment facility located in the California area of the Cincinnati, Ohio, US. After installing an advanced ultraviolet (UV) disinfection treatment system in 2013, GCWW became the largest water utility in North America to use UV light following sand filtration and granular activated carbon. The concrete filter gallery building was originally constructed in 1907 with 26 filters, with a 14-filter addition in 1937 and 7 filters added in 1964. After over 110 years of service, the structures started showing significant signs of deterioration, most commonly concrete spalling and reinforcing steel corrosion. This case study will highlight the methods used to evaluate the structures that involved conventional methods such as sounding, crack mapping, chemical and petrographic examinations, along with technology such as Half-Cell Potential/ICOR, Impact-Echo, Ground Penetrating Radar, and UAS (Drone) services.
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On Demand

18 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The demonstration will show the ins and outs of Sika's FRP installation process with the multiple system options Sika offers to help with your needs for a proper install on site.
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On Demand

1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This presentation is based on the updated revisions to the original document entitled Guide for the Selection of Grouts to Control Leakage in Concrete Structures. This webinar addresses the selection of chemical grouts typically used to control and/or mitigate the ingress of water in concrete structures, specifically cracks and joints.
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On Demand

29 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
This video will illustrate an example of how various sections of ACI 562 are applied in the execution of a complex repair project, the repurposing of a historic train deck into a transportation hub for light rail trains and busses. Methods of evaluation and analysis, as guided by ACI 562, will be presented with a discussion of how these provisions lead to various repair approaches presented to the owner.
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On Demand

14 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Sikalastic One Shot products, Sikalastic-720 One Shot & Sikalastic-726 Balcony One Shot, will be demonstrated. Sikalastic One Shot products are an innovation in traffic coating membranes that replace the need for a base coat and multiple top-coats in a single step. These products re-imagine how traffic coating systems are designed with a polyurethane resin that has both a flexible crack-bridging ability and is extremely durable. Sikalastic-720 One Shot is a one coat system of 45 mils with a proprietary aggregate blend designed for vehicular traffic. Sikalastic-726 Balcony One Shot is a primer-less single step polyurethane system of 35 mils with a proprietary integral texture designed for balconies and pedestrian traffic....
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On Demand

41 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This presentation looks at buildings that are new or being rehabilitated and the impact on making buildings more energy efficient. Starting with the 2012 IBC, and specifically the 2012 IECC portion of the building code and newer versions, the presentation will look at three aspects of the building envelope: Water Resistance, Air Leakage, and Moisture Transmission. It will then compare to identical buildings, the first built in 2000 and the second constructed in 2020. Illustrations and calculations will show how controlling air leakage can have an enormous impact on the service life of the structure, initial cost of construction, and on-going operations. Lastly, the presentation will look at how incorporating simple additions during the repair/rehabilitation process can have a positive impact on the environment as well as the building owner and the building’s constituents.
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On Demand

1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Galvanized corrugated metal and concrete underground culverts are common infrastructure in North American highways and stormwater management. A shotcrete lining is a cost-effective and efficient method to strengthen and significantly extend their useful life.
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On Demand

43 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
Increasingly, the Construction Industry is being dramatically impacted globally by internal and external forces. These influences range from acute labor and skill shortages, demographic and urbanization shifts, as well as, the Industry’s conversion from analog-based processes to digital workflows. This presentation will overview ten significant trends which are uniquely affecting the Construction Industry, creating both new challenges and opportunities, while transforming the Construction Industry.
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On Demand

10 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
How to properly mix, place and finish MG-Krete, a 2-component product and permanent repair material, will be demonstrated. The demonstration will show methodologies employed in horizontal, vertical, overhead and structural repairs using MG-Krete. Participants will learn the chemistry behind the product and the reason why it is a successful permanent repair material. There will be a full technical review of the product benefits.
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