Provides information and guidance for the selection, evaluation, and use of surface applied corrosion inhibitors (SACI) for corrosion mitigation and supplement sound judgement by engineers, consultants, or others specializing in the repair of reinforced concrete structures experiencing corrosion induced damage. Understanding the existing concrete conditions and corrosion levels in the structure, the function and limitations of SACI materials, requirements for proper application and quality assurance/control during application, and evaluation and monitoring the performance are addressed.
Provides information and guidance for the selection, evaluation, and use of surface applied corrosion inhibitors (SACI) for corrosion mitigation and supplement sound judgement by engineers, consultants, or others specializing in the repair of reinforced concrete structures experiencing corrosion induced damage. Understanding the existing concrete conditions and corrosion levels in the structure, the function and limitations of SACI materials, requirements for proper application and quality assurance/control during application, and evaluation and monitoring the performance are addressed.
This guideline is intended to provide information on electrochemical techniques used to mitigate the corrosion of steel in atmospherically exposed concrete structures. The information presented is based on testing and the experience of owners, engineers, contractors, and suppliers. This guideline includes information on impressed current and galvanic cathodic protection, electrochemical chloride extraction, and realkalization.
This guideline is intended to provide information on electrochemical techniques used to mitigate the corrosion of steel in atmospherically exposed concrete structures. The information presented is based on testing and the experience of owners, engineers, contractors, and suppliers. This guideline includes information on impressed current and galvanic cathodic protection, electrochemical chloride extraction, and realkalization.
This guideline describes the tools, techniques, and processes that are used in the evaluation of masonry façade structures. It offers background into the history and evolution of masonry structure design and construction.
This guideline describes the tools, techniques, and processes that are used in the evaluation of masonry façade structures. It offers background into the history and evolution of masonry structure design and construction.
This guideline provides information on the properties and characteristics of grout materials for selection of a proper grout material to control water leakage through cracks and other discontinuities in concrete structures. It is also for the selection of grout materials for crack injection to control leaks through cracks in concrete structures. (formerly no. 03738).
This guideline provides information on the properties and characteristics of grout materials for selection of a proper grout material to control water leakage through cracks and other discontinuities in concrete structures. It is also for the selection of grout materials for crack injection to control leaks through cracks in concrete structures. (formerly no. 03738).
This is the second document in a series of guide specifications prepared by ICRI. The guide specification addresses the requirements for the supply and installation of FRP fabric systems by providing specification text, optional requirements, references, and commentary to allow the user to tailor the document to a specific structural strengthening repair project, and use as a technical specification section in a complete project manual. Both the printed and PDF copies include a Word document with hidden text for easy modification of text to meet specific repair project requirements. Note that the design of the FRP system is outside the scope of these guide specifications.
This is the second document in a series of guide specifications prepared by ICRI. The guide specification addresses the requirements for the supply and installation of FRP fabric systems by providing specification text, optional requirements, references, and commentary to allow the user to tailor the document to a specific structural strengthening repair project, and use as a technical specification section in a complete project manual. Both the printed and PDF copies include a Word document with hidden text for easy modification of text to meet specific repair project requirements. Note that the design of the FRP system is outside the scope of these guide specifications.