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Short Description:
THE RIGHT TOOL AND EQUIPMENT FOR THE JOB. The intent of this document is not to advocate one type of tool or piece of equipment versus another, or discuss tool/equipment efficiency and other properties, but simply to provide a single-source common guide that can be used in the trade when describing and specifying concrete repair tools and equipment. Specifying tools and equipment for mixing and placing concrete repair materials is extremely difficult because the industry uses multiple names for the same tools/equipment and the same names for different tools/equipment. The Problem: Different types of tools and equipment can produce different consistencies and properties in concrete repair products. The Solution: ICRI Technical Guideline 320.5R-2014 will help ensure that the appropriate tools and equipment are properly described and specified.
$0.00 - $62.00

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Short Description:
Especificar el equipo adecuado para la mezcla, aplicación y acabado de materiales de reparación de concreto es extremadamente difícil, puesto que la industria utiliza varios nombres para el mismo equipo y los mismos nombres para diferentes equipos. Muchos tipos diferentes de paletas mezcladoras y mezcladoras pueden producir diferentes consistencias y propiedades en los productos de reparación de concreto. Especificar los tipos de mezcladoras mecánicas adecuados también es difícil, pues el término “mezclador de mortero” tiene muchos significados diferentes. La intención de este documento no es defender un tipo de equipo de mezclado, aplicación o acabado en comparación con otro ni discutir la eficiencia relativa u otras propiedades, sino simplemente proporcionar una sola fuente de referencia común que puede utilizarse en el oficio al describir o especificar el equipo de mezclado, aplicación o acabado para concreto.
$0.00 - $62.00

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Short Description:
Dans l'industrie de la construction, il est parfois difficile de spécifier les bons outils pour le mélange, l'application et la finition des matériaux de réparation. En effet, il n'est pas rare qu'un même terme désigne plusieurs outils et qu'à l'inverse, un même outil soit désigné par plusieurs termes. Or, il existe une grande variété de mélangeurs et de palettes de mélange, lesquels confèrent différentes consistances et propriétés aux matériaux de réparation. Le problème se présente aussi avec les mélangeurs mécaniques. Par exemple, le terme "malaxeur à mortier" peut être interprété de diverses manières. L'objectif de ce document n'est pas d'évaluer l'efficacité des outils offerts sur le marché, ni de favoriser l'emploi d'un outil plutôt qu'un autre; il vise simplement à offrir une référence terminologique commune et de source unique aux professionnels de la construction afin de faciliter la description ou la spécification des outils utilisés pour le mélange, l'application et la finit
$0.00 - $62.00

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Publication Date:
May 01, 2023
Short Description:
This guideline is intended to provide information for the selection and application of materials for fluid-applied waterproofing systems to concrete for horizontal pedestrian and vehicular traffic surfaces. Concrete is subject to deterioration by a variety of mechanisms. Properly selected and applied traffic membrane systems can protect concrete from deterioration caused by abrasion, moisture intrusion, environmental forces (freezing-and-thawing cycling), and chemical attack. This guideline provides information on the common service conditions, basic review of the properties of concrete, surface preparation, system designs, and materials used for traffic membranes.
$31.00 - $62.00

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Publication Date:
Jun 01, 2023
Short Description:
The intent of this document is to provide objective, standards-based comparison for the specification, evaluation, and approval of the degree of surface preparation of exposed conventional reinforcing steel by abrasive media blasting and mechanical hand tool methods. This guide is designed for use with associated illustrative materials available in digital or physical form through ICRI.
$31.00 - $62.00

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Publication Date:
Oct 01, 2022
Short Description:
This guideline is intended to assist architects, engineers, owners and their agents, developers, general contractors, and flooring contractors who are accountable for the successful installation of a floor covering or coating over an interior concrete sub-floor that is on, below, or above grade. This guideline provides information regarding moisture issues, moisture testing methods, interpretation of test results, and moisture mitigation strategies. The information provided in the guideline is meant to assist in the successful installation of floor coverings and coatings.
$31.00 - $62.00

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Publication Date:
Jan 01, 2003
Short Description:
This special publication is a compilation of existing articles on various structural strengthening, stiffening, and stabilization topics, including external bonded reinforcement, external post-tensioning, internal post-tensioning, section enlargement and overlays, supplemental framing and span shortening, and strengthening and stabilization of masonry structures. The purpose is to provide engineers and contractors with a single-source overview of the various materials and techniques available to solve strengthening, stiffening, and stabilization problems. The wealth of information provided should provide invaluable “food for thought” to facilitate the strengthening, stiffening, and stabilization design process.
$30.00 - $60.00

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On Demand

James Farny
1 hour
Audio and Video
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This session describes common issues to consider and potential modifications when using PLC materials to ensure successful implementation.
$25.00 - $40.00

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Mr. Matthew Sherman
1 hour
Short Description:
This session will explore the differences between bonded and unbonded topping slabs, discuss materials- and installation-related causes of failures, and provide guidelines to properly implement each type of topping slab.
$25.00 - $40.00

Tue, May 28, 2024 - 01:00pm to 02:00pm CDT

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On Demand

Pete Haveron
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This webinar will discuss the keys to proper surface preparation including establishing the appropriate level of surface profile, evaluating the concrete substrate and the material being installed to determine the correct level of preparation as well as the correct methods and tools to achieve that level.
$0.00 - $40.00

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