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Publication Date:
Jan 01, 2013
Short Description:
Summarizes the capabilities, operating requirements, and limitations of the various methods used to prepare concrete surfaces for the application of protective sealers, coatings, polymer overlays, and concrete repair. Benchmark profiles are included which provide visual standards for purposes of specification, application, and verification. In this updated version of the guideline you will find; surface retarders and handheld breakers have been added to the surface preparation methods; surface preparation methods have been updated; and a new appendix summarizes considerations for selecting surface preparation methods and describes various test methods used to evaluate the prepared surface. Plus, concrete surface profile (CSP) 10 has been added to reflect a more aggressive CSP used for concrete repair.
Base Price:
Price with Discount:


Access for 18 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
The Certification course, ICRI Concrete Surface Repair Technician—Grade 1, is for individuals who want to become a qualified inspector for concrete repair and qualifies the individual to perform pre- and post-placement inspections and testing.
Base Price:
Price with Discount:


8 hours (estimated)
Access for 12 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
The Education Course is for everyone who desires fundamental knowledge and best practices on concrete surface repair and requires participation in five (5) online training modules and graded exams, with each module incorporating education and training with questions. Those who successfully complete this program, including passing all five (5) online training modules and exams, will receive a Certificate of Achievement from ICRI.
Base Price:
Price with Discount:


10 Hours (Estimated)
Access for 18 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
The Certification course, ICRI Concrete Surface Repair Technician—Grade 1, is for individuals who want to become a qualified inspector for concrete repair and qualifies the individual to perform pre- and post-placement inspections and testing. It includes the Education Course — five (5) online training modules and graded exams, an online knowledge exam and a performance exam (Video submission is included in course fee. When available, on-location live performance exam for an additional fee). By passing the five (5) online training modules and exams, the online knowledge exam, and performance exam, an ICRI Concrete Surface Repair Technician—Grade 1 certification will be issued by ICRI, and the individual will receive a certificate and wallet card. The individual can also be added to the ICRI Certified Concrete Surface Repair Technician database on the ICRI website if desired.
Base Price:
Price with Discount:

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