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Reasonable Safety of Existing Concrete Structures through Effective Structural Condition Assessments – Part I

Total Credits: 1.0 PDH, 1.0 AIA Credits

Surface Repair |  Webinar |  Repair Materials and Methods |  Corrosion
Keith Kesner, P.E., S.E. |  David G. Tepke, PE, FACI |  Ms. Liying Jiang, PE, FICRI |  Stephen Szoke, PE, FACI, FASCE, FSEI, ACI Distinguished Staff
1 hour
Audio and Video
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Keith Kesner, P.E., S.E.'s Profile

Keith Kesner, P.E., S.E. Related Seminars and Products

Keith Kesner, Ph.D., SE, PE, FACI, is a Project Director with Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Inc. He specializes in the evaluation and rehabilitation of existing structures. He is Chair of the ACI TAC Repair and Rehabilitation Committee, and ACI Subcommittee 562-E, Seismic. He is also a member of the ACI Committee on Codes and Standards Advocacy and Outreach; Technical Activities Committee; and Committees 228, Nondestructive Testing of Concrete; 364, Rehabilitation; 562, Evaluation, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Concrete Buildings; and ACI Subcommittees 318-C, Safety, Serviceability, and Analysis; and various state initiatives collaboration groups. He has received several awards from ACI for his contributions to concrete technology and code development. Kesner received his BS from the University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA, and his MS and PhD from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. He is a licensed professional engineer in several states and a licensed structural engineer in Hawaii and Illinois.

David G. Tepke, PE, FACI's Profile

David G. Tepke, PE, FACI Related Seminars and Products

Principle Engineer

SKA Consulting Engineers, Inc.

David G. Tepke, PE, FACI, is a Principal Engineer with SKA Consulting Engineers, Inc., in Charleston, SC, USA. He specializes in structural and materials evaluation, troubleshooting, repair, and service-life extension. He is a NACE/AMPP Certified Corrosion Specialist and Protective Coating Specialist, ICRI Certified Concrete Surface Repair Technician, and ACI Certified Nondestructive Testing Specialist-Str. Tepke is Chair of ACI Committee 222, Corrosion of Metals in Concrete; Chair of the ACI Committee on Codes and Standards Advocacy and Outreach; and a member of Committees 201, Durability of Concrete; 301, Specifications for Concrete Construction; 321, Durability Code; and 329, Performance Criteria for Ready Mixed Concrete. He is a member of ICRI Committees 130, Life Cycle and Sustainability and 510, Corrosion.  He is a licensed professional engineer in a number of states.

Ms. Liying Jiang, PE, FICRI's Profile

Ms. Liying Jiang, PE, FICRI Related Seminars and Products

Engineering Manager


Liying Jiang, PE, FICRI, is an Engineering Manager with Structural Technologies. She specializes in evaluations of existing structures, assessment of concrete materials, design of repair and rehabilitation measures, and development of management strategies for structures affected by alkali-silica reaction (ASR), corrosion, and other materials-related distress. She is Chair of ACI Subcommittee 364-C, TechNote Subcommittee, and Secretary of ACI Subcommittee 228-B, Visual Condition Survey of Concrete. She is also a member of ACI Committees 228, Nondestructive Testing of Concrete; and 364, Rehabilitation.

Stephen Szoke, PE, FACI, FASCE, FSEI, ACI Distinguished Staff Related Seminars and Products

Code Advocacy Engineer

American Concrete Institute

Stephen S. Szoke, PE, FACI, FASCE, FSEI, ACI Distinguished Staff, is a Code Advocacy Engineer at ACI. He actively participates in the development of model building codes, referenced standards, rules, and regulations. Szoke is a Staff Liaison for the ACI Committee on Codes and Standards Advocacy and Outreach. He is a licensed professional engineer.