In this presentation, we will address the effect that corrosion has on our concrete infrastructure, including buildings, bridges, sea walls, cooling towers, docks, and many other reinforced concrete structures.
This presentation aims at providing clear and down to earth definitions of what Post-Tensioning systems are, the different repair strategies related to these systems, and critical factors to be accounted for during the design and execution of any intervention on a Post-Tensioning slab.
This 60-minute session will be comprised of a 10-15 minute introduction to ACI 562, followed by a 45-minute discussion by a moderated panel of various experienced stakeholders in the concrete repair industry, including Specifiers, Contractors, Manufacturer/Distributors, and Owners.
Industry experts Eric Muench and Dan Wald will discuss how to best select the right traffic bearing waterproof membrane technology for concrete protection.
This webinar will discuss the keys to proper surface preparation including establishing the appropriate level of surface profile, evaluating the concrete substrate and the material being installed to determine the correct level of preparation as well as the correct methods and tools to achieve that level.
Codes and standards are developed for use by design professionals; however, the use of codes and standards significantly impacts Owners and Contractors. The ACI 562 code was motivated by the poor performance of repaired concrete structures, specifically premature failure of repairs and limited durability of repaired structures. Development of the code was intended to benefit owners and contractors by improving performance and perceptions regarding repairs to existing structures.