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10 Hours (Estimated)
Access for 18 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
The Certification course, ICRI Concrete Surface Repair Technician—Grade 1, is for individuals who want to become a qualified inspector for concrete repair and qualifies the individual to perform pre- and post-placement inspections and testing. It includes the Education Course — five (5) online training modules and graded exams, an online knowledge exam and a performance exam (Video submission is included in course fee. When available, on-location live performance exam for an additional fee). By passing the five (5) online training modules and exams, the online knowledge exam, and performance exam, an ICRI Concrete Surface Repair Technician—Grade 1 certification will be issued by ICRI, and the individual will receive a certificate and wallet card. The individual can also be added to the ICRI Certified Concrete Surface Repair Technician database on the ICRI website if desired.
$240.00 - $560.00

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8 hours (estimated)
Access for 12 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
The Education Course is for everyone who desires fundamental knowledge and best practices on concrete surface repair and requires participation in five (5) online training modules and graded exams, with each module incorporating education and training with questions. Those who successfully complete this program, including passing all five (5) online training modules and exams, will receive a Certificate of Achievement from ICRI.
$0.00 - $395.00

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On Demand

Jorge Costa, P.E.
100 minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In this presentation, we will address the effect that corrosion has on our concrete infrastructure, including buildings, bridges, sea walls, cooling towers, docks, and many other reinforced concrete structures.
$0.00 - $40.00

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Christian Stone, M.S., M.Phys. |  David Bewley
1 hour
Short Description:
This session describes how novel corrosion management techniques have been used to extend the life of a variety of heritage structures, including a church, a bridge and even a castle.
$25.00 - $40.00

Tue, Aug 27, 2024 - 01:00pm to 02:00pm CDT

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Publication Date:
Jan 01, 1994
Short Description:
This comprehensive book describes the causes, effects, and remedies for concrete wear and failure. It is a practical guide to evaluation of deterioration and its causes, selection of repair methods and materials, surface preparation, and quality assurance of the finished product. Hundreds of illustrations show users how to analyze, maintain, and repair concrete structures for optimal performance and cost-effectiveness.
$79.00 - $105.00

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8 hours (estimated)
Short Description:
This option is available for those who purchased either the Education or Certification Course – but failed one of the training Modules 1-5.
$49.00 - $99.00

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Access for 12 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
This option is available for those who purchased the Certification course and completed the training Modules 1-5 and the knowledge exam — but failed one or more of the tests in the performance exam.
$99.00 - $149.00

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On Demand

Marthe Brock
50 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
From the days of boiled Linseed oil, to the discovery of membrane forming cures, to the development of carbon dioxide injection; curing has evolved to accommodate the demands of the construction industry. This presentation will look back at the early standards developed by ASTM, contrasting them to the standards that are currently under consideration. There are many ways to cure concrete, this presentation will review the various product options framed in the context of weather. Lastly, the presentation will explore the various methods discussing the features and benefits of the common curing practices of today.
$15.00 - $25.00

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On Demand

Stephen Lucy
49 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
Dallas City Hall and Plaza are recognized by many due to the opening scenes of Dallas, the television show. What is less known is that the structure is a significant early example of bonded post-tensioned concrete which was utilized throughout the superstructure and two-story parking garage constructed beneath the plaza. Opened in 1977, the parking garage is a two-way bonded post-tensioned concrete slab with unreinforced drop panels supported by flared circular concrete columns. The garage covers two city blocks, extends under two adjacent multi-lane streets, and supports mature landscaping, pool, fountain, and up to 11’-0” of soil. In 2017, several square feet of a drop panel fell from the structure and subsequent observations found multiple locations of drop panel and column capital failures. A structural investigation including destructive and non-destructive testing, and analysis of the existing structure was undertaken to determine the cause of the failures.
$15.00 - $25.00

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On Demand

Erik Villari |  Michael Salera
45 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Systems (aka UAVs aka Drones) continues to be a hot topic for engineers and designers. Within the past 10 years, we have seen technology change how we live, work, play and learn. These advances in technology have enabled humans to be more efficient as well as socially and environmentally conscious and connected. Advances in engineering technology and efficiency have expanded structural engineer’s roles in inspection services. This presentation will highlight drone utilization for exterior surveys and inspection, impact on the built environment, and how drones will continue to influence in the future. This includes areas that are too dangerous for humans or structures where rigging can be difficult or impossible as well as the cost benefits of using a drone. The presentation will also delve into the effectiveness and appropriate applications of drone usage, specifically for hands-on applications.
$15.00 - $25.00

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