Total Credits: 0.5 PDH
The application of nondestructive testing and evaluation for detecting existing defects and anomalies in concrete structures will be presented. Proper inspection and assessment is an integral part of a successful repair and rehabilitation. A well-defined inspection will help asset owners and their consultants in identifying the location and extent of existing defects, and enabling them in selecting proper repair materials and optimizing the area that needs rehabilitation. Moreover, NDT methods can help identify potential defects that are not visible to the naked eye, such as early-stage delamination, corrosion, and other durability related issues. In this presentation, several cases in Canada will be demonstrated, where the results of nondestructive testing and evaluation have been used to help consultants and contractors with cost-effective and reliable repair planning. Applications of ground penetrating radar, ultrasonic pulse echo tomography, seismic tomography, etc will be discussed.
Dr. Hamed Layssi is a co-founder and structural engineer at FPrimeC Solutions Inc., a technology company specialized in advanced nondestructive testing and evaluation of concrete materials and structures. Over the past 15 years, he has been heavily involved with the concrete industry as a professional engineer, and researcher. He has an extensive academic background in structural evaluation, inspection, and repair of concrete structures. He holds a PhD from McGill University, Canada, ranked among 150 top researchers in Canada in 2018, and received the 2018 entrepreneurship award from the PEO, Ottawa Chapter.