This webinar will review issues that should be addressed when preparing a specification for concrete repair. ICRI developed an editable specification titled “Guide Specification for Structural Concrete Repairs” that can be used by design professionals. The webinar reviews the specification and discusses decisions that should be considered when developing a concrete repair specification.
Industry experts Eric Muench and Dan Wald will discuss how to best select the right traffic bearing waterproof membrane technology for concrete protection.
Moisture coming from, or through a concrete floor slab, can lead to conditions that are damaging to floor coverings, coatings, the building’s environment, and the ability to store moisture sensitive products directly on a floor slab. In this webinar, attendees will learn where potentially damaging levels of moisture come from, how moisture migrates, and what design measures are an absolute necessity to minimize the risk of moisture-related problems.
Concrete is the most widely used construction material and can be durable for hundreds of years; however, the main cause of concrete deterioration is from corrosion of reinforcing steel. Steel is thermodynamically unstable and will eventually oxidize to a lower energy state. The rate of deterioration in new and existing structures can be modeled to predict the service life based on the severity of the service environment, the concrete quality, the ingress of deleterious materials, and other factors to various degrees of success. This presentation will provide an overview of many of the service life models currently in use and provide an evaluation protocol for their application related to both new and existing structures.
This 60-minute session will be comprised of a 10-15 minute introduction to ACI 562, followed by a 45-minute discussion by a moderated panel of various experienced stakeholders in the concrete repair industry, including Specifiers, Contractors, Manufacturer/Distributors, and Owners.