This video will discuss how the requirements of ACI 562-16 are used in the evaluation and repair of parking structures. It will take participants through a representative garage project, utilizing Design Example 1 from the Guide to the Use of ACI 562 as the basis. Evaluation and design considerations will be discussed relative to the Repair Code as well as QA/QC and the Engineers' Role during construction.
This video will illustrate an example of how various sections of ACI 562 are applied in the execution of a Precast/Prestressed Double-Tee repair project. Methods of evaluation and analysis, as guided by ACI 562, will be presented with a discussion of how these provisions can lead to various repair approaches.
The iconic construction hard hat, a symbol of pride for the construction worker, has changed very little in 50 years. Developments in the understanding of the causes and prevention of debilitating and often fatal head injuries is leading to a revolutionary change in the way we protect our people from head injuries on the jobsite. The classic hard hat is about to change forever. This presentation will focus on new technology available today to minimize the effects of falls and impacts to the head of the worker. We will also focus on new technologies, already in development, that can further provide protection from head injuries. Industry requirements (OSHA, ANSI) will be reviewed, and the application of worldwide standards (EN) will be discussed and applied to new helmet development and implementation.
Concrete repair activities expose the workforce to significant risk of head injuries. Helmets can help the construction industry reduce these avoidable fatalities and injuries.
Codes and standards are developed for use by design professionals; however, the use of codes and standards significantly impacts Owners and Contractors. The ACI 562 code was motivated by the poor performance of repaired concrete structures, specifically premature failure of repairs and limited durability of repaired structures. Development of the code was intended to benefit owners and contractors by improving performance and perceptions regarding repairs to existing structures.
Demonstration will show how to apply solvent-based concrete sealers and discuss the various considerations to keep in mind, tools you will need, how to prepare your surface area, ideal environmental conditions for use of the sealers, the step-by-step application process, and how to safely clean up the area following application.
This is your opportunity to learn what’s happening with ICRI. 2020 President Mark LeMay will host a recap of the past year, with 2021 President Elena Kessi providing some highlights of what to expect in the near future. We will update you on our newest class of 40 Under 40 recipients and acknowledge our Supporting Members. This is also our opportunity to introduce to you the association’s 2021 Board of Directors and express gratitude to those remarkable volunteers whose technical and administrative committee service ended in 2020.
This demonstration will highlight the various product forms that can be integrated in a retrofit solution for extreme loading, that the product utilizes existing retrofit construction implementation practices and provides a lighter-weight retrofit solution when compared to retrofits that utilize standard or high-strength concrete solutions, and has superior multi-threat mitigation performance when compared with other concrete retrofit mitigation solutions for extreme loading events.
This session will describe the use of tensile pull-off (bond) testing for concrete repairs and bonded overlays. It will provide guidance on applications of the test, industry standards and guidelines, acceptance criteria, proper testing procedures, appropriate equipment, and interpretation and reporting of test results. Bond is important because it relates to structural requirements (e.g. for strengthening and structural repairs) and for durability requirements (e.g. for overlays and cosmetic repairs). Testing of bond is needed to verify that the specified bond requirements have been met and a satisfactory result has been obtained.
Moisture accumulation and water leakage into retail, commercial, and residential habitable spaces, including industrial facilities and below-grade parking structures, is the number one construction defect claim in our industry. The entire building envelope is a moisture barrier. Below-grade moisture barriers are required to keep water from leaking “into” and/or “out from” the structure. Water leakage inflow or outflow, and moisture accumulation within, can lead to health, safety and environmental issues involving the cost of operations and facility maintenance. Active water leakage, intermittent wetness, cavity wall moisture accumulation, and vapor transmission, can lead to costly problems: mold and mildew development, corrosion, contaminated water clean-up and disposal, slippery surfaces, and property damage.