The Concrete Slab Moisture Testing (CSMT) Education course is for those who are not seeking to become certified as a Concrete Slab Moisture Testing Technician (CSMTT) but have an active interest in learning more about the test methods, what information the tests provide, and how the tests are to be properly performed.
Phoscrete is an easy-to-use, fast-setting, long-lasting Magnesium-Alumina-Liquid-Phosphate (MALP) concrete repair material for repairs in extreme environments (-15°F to +115°F). Instead of water, Phoscrete’s pre-extended dry component mixes include Liquid Phosphate Activator (Freezing Point = -20°F). Working time and set time are easily controlled by supercooling the activator in hot temperatures, and by adding fast-set admixtures in cold temperatures. The presentation will include laboratory testing, field installation, and a small installation.
This demonstration will introduce the WJE CASLE™ (Corrosion Assessment Service Life Evaluation) software for predicting corrosion-related damage in reinforced concrete structures. This tool helps engineers more effectively quantify remaining service life and guide repair decisions for existing structures, as well as evaluate protection/durability design strategies for new structures. Developed in-house by WJE’s materials engineers for WJE structural assessment projects, WJE CASLE™ offers full control of the evaluation process and facilitates a customizable approach to construction parameters and exposure conditions unique to each project. Advantages of the software include consideration of site-specific conditions such as construction geometry, sealers, coatings, corrosion-resistant reinforcing, presence/installation of overlays, existing chloride profiles, concrete cracking, and two-sided exposure. Model features will be outlined with a focus on evaluation of existing structures.
In this presentation, we will address the effect that corrosion has on our concrete infrastructure, including buildings, bridges, sea walls, cooling towers, docks, and many other reinforced concrete structures.
This session describes how novel corrosion management techniques have been used to extend the life of a variety of heritage structures, including a church, a bridge and even a castle.
Panel Discussion to examine the effects of and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic across the various aspects of our industry and in the different parts of Canada.
Panel Discussion to examine the effects of and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic across the various aspects of our industry and in the different parts of the United States.
The Certification course, ICRI Concrete Surface Repair Technician—Grade 1, is for individuals who want to become a qualified inspector for concrete repair and qualifies the individual to perform pre- and post-placement inspections and testing.
From the days of boiled Linseed oil, to the discovery of membrane forming cures, to the development of carbon dioxide injection; curing has evolved to accommodate the demands of the construction industry. This presentation will look back at the early standards developed by ASTM, contrasting them to the standards that are currently under consideration. There are many ways to cure concrete, this presentation will review the various product options framed in the context of weather. Lastly, the presentation will explore the various methods discussing the features and benefits of the common curing practices of today.