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A tool to help designers, specifiers, contractors, and manufacturers make the best possible decisions in selecting materials for the repair of concrete surfaces. It fully describes a process used to develop sound selection criteria that will ensure that, for each project, the material properties needed to produce durable repairs are specified.
$0.00 - $62.00

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Mr. Peter Craig |  Scott Michael Tarr |  Mr. David L Paal |  Adam Bakeman
Five 1-hour webinars
Short Description:
Moisture-related problems with floor coverings and coatings are a serious and costly issue. Each year the direct and in-direct costs associated with such problems amount to billions of unplanned dollars. In this 5-part webinar series, experts in the field of moisture in concrete, testing, mitigation and repair will share information and experience in a ground up approach to the causes and solutions to such problems. The program covers the sources of moisture in concrete, the affect moisture has on slab behavior and the installation of flooring materials, the test methods used to properly assess slab moisture condition, moisture mitigation strategies, and more. 
$75.00 - $120.00

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On Demand

Fall Conference Bundle
Edmund L Baum
17 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
Construction errors such as the misplacement of reinforcing steel and modifications like the addition of openings traditionally required intrusive repair methods. The addition of structural steel support or enlargement of the concrete elements is often not aesthetically pleasing or practical and the cost and time impacts are onerous. FRP strengthening solutions are non-intrusive, practical, and can be implemented quickly without major impact on the other building trades. The presentation will guide the audience through the feasibility assessment of FRP strengthening and implementation of the strengthening solution. The roles of the various parties, including the Engineer of Record, the FRP Design Engineer, the General Contractor, the Structural Contractor, and the FRP Installer, will be illustrated. Photographs of completed repairs will be presented.
$15.00 - $25.00

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On Demand

Fall Conference Bundle
Billy D. James, P.E.
22 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
Post-tensioned concrete is a strong and durable material for construction of exposed parking structures. These types of structures are also fire resistant, but they can be damaged depending upon the severity of the fire. The structure in this presentation suffered significant fire damage early in its construction. The presentation will cover the discovery and testing methods used to determine the extent of fire damage, and the design of the repairs that were instituted to restore strength and allow construction to continue.
$15.00 - $25.00

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On Demand

Fall Conference Bundle
Mr. Leon Geoxavier |  Lynne Vu
24 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
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In new construction, cracks can appear for variety of reasons: curing, temperature deviation, pressure from adjacent conditions, or settlement. This presentation will outline various types of cracking, how to plan to avoid them, and how to address them after concrete has been placed.
$15.00 - $25.00

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On Demand

Chuck Larosche, P.E.
23 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
This video will illustrate an example of how various sections of ACI 562 are applied in the execution of a Precast/Prestressed Double-Tee repair project. Methods of evaluation and analysis, as guided by ACI 562, will be presented with a discussion of how these provisions can lead to various repair approaches.
$0.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Fall Conference Bundle
Dr. Jacob L. Borgerson
24 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
Concrete placement and finishing defects raised by a member of the project team may indicate a greater (unobserved) structural concern, a long-term durability issue, or simply an aesthetic problem. Concrete defects can delay the project schedule, require costly investigation fees, and necessitate removal and replacement. This presentation is intended to tackle concrete placement and finishing defects faced by the concrete construction industry. Topics will include: cold joints, delaminations, dusting, honeycombing, form leakage, plastic shrinkage cracking, floor flatness/levelness, in addition to others. This presentation will discuss the causes of these concrete defects, techniques for evaluating various defects, and approaches for mitigating these problems. Attendees will be introduced to various evaluation methods (e.g., impact-echo, ultrasonic pulse velocity, ground penetrating radar, concrete coring, petrographic examination, etc.) and when their use is appropriate.
$15.00 - $25.00

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On Demand

Fall Conference Bundle
Mr. Khiam Sarwar
25 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
Due to improper design or implementation sometimes Part of the New projects are re-executed or repaired. Islamabad - Rawalpindi BRTS (Bus Rapid transit System) Consisted of 20 Stations Covering around 23 km path connecting twin cities. Each station Roof Consisted of ACP Sheets Fixed on Aluminum Frame with Steel supports. The joints of ACP sheets were filled by Silicon but improper materiel and workmanship caused leakage in joints. Total length of joints was over 400,000 RFT. Leakage was invariably from almost every area.
$15.00 - $25.00

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On Demand

Eric Williams
25 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
Presentation will discuss Vision 2020 (Development, Successes and Challenges) as well as items which still need to be completed. This portion of the presentation will be followed by an overview of the presenter's perspective on the future needs for the concrete repair industry. All attendees will be invited to participate in a workshop to develop a complete list of industry needs (consensus if possible).
$0.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Pat Martin, P.E.
26 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
This video will discuss how the requirements of ACI 562-16 are used in the evaluation and repair of parking structures. It will take participants through a representative garage project, utilizing Design Example 1 from the Guide to the Use of ACI 562 as the basis. Evaluation and design considerations will be discussed relative to the Repair Code as well as QA/QC and the Engineers' Role during construction.
$0.00 - Base Price

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