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David G. Tepke
42 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
Repairing and extending the service life of concrete in severe environments first requires that one understands what may be considered severe why it may be considered so. This presentation will discuss the ways in which different organizations and technical committees around the world define ‘severe environments’ for concrete structures; types of deterioration mechanisms and materials-related distress that may severely and quickly deteriorate concrete, type of structures with potentially severe environments, and U.S. geographical considerations.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Mr. Larry D. Olson
41 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
The case-histories based presentation will focus on the use of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods to detect flaws and damage in concrete construction. Case histories will be presented for detection and mapping of flaws and damage in concrete such as cracking, delamination, honeycomb, void, corrosion, fire damage, alkali-silica reaction and low strength concrete. The case histories for the concrete structures are anticipated to include parking structures, bridges, buildings and dams. NDE methods will include sonic/ultrasonic, infrared thermography, radar and corrosion technologies where the results in many cases were confirmed by coring. The use of some of the NDE methods for QA of concrete repairs such as epoxy injection and patching will also be discussed.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Marthe Brock
50 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
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From the days of boiled Linseed oil, to the discovery of membrane forming cures, to the development of carbon dioxide injection; curing has evolved to accommodate the demands of the construction industry. This presentation will look back at the early standards developed by ASTM, contrasting them to the standards that are currently under consideration. There are many ways to cure concrete, this presentation will review the various product options framed in the context of weather. Lastly, the presentation will explore the various methods discussing the features and benefits of the common curing practices of today.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Alfred Gardiner
34 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
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Two projects will be explored in this presentation. The first is a concrete structure which for 20 years was exposed to extreme heat. The second is a structure which was exposed to extreme vibrations. Both these structures were integral parts of manufacturing processes and required limited down time to repair. The questions needing to be answered were: what is the condition of the existing concrete and what are the repair options for these structures. We turned to non-destructive techniques to evaluate these structures. Non-destructive techniques can provide insight into structures when accompanied by experienced engineers and petrographic analysis. Repair options were provided at the end of our evaluation leading to reduced down time and well-planned repairs.
$15.00 - $25.00

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John Zhang
45 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
Shotcrete has been used widely for rehabilitation and retrofit of concrete structures. More and more large infrastructures, in particular, in the hydro power industry, is using shotcrete for major rehabilitation and retrofit. Recently, the US Army Corps of Engineers has been engaged in structural modifications to reinforced concrete draft tube exits from the turbines in the Ice Harbor Lock and Dam located on the Snake River, Washington. This presentation details the structural modification to the draft tube which was successfully completed using wet-mix shotcrete.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Farhad Habibi, PhD |  Justin Breg, PhD
36 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
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Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) can cause significant damage to concrete structures including bridges, roadways, airport runways, and nuclear power plants. When reactive aggregates are included in a mix, the presence of moisture initiates a reaction between the alkaline cement paste and reactive amorphous silica. The result is a gel that continues to dilate, which may cause cracks in the concrete mass. A research program was undertaken at the University of Toronto to investigate the effects of ASR on large-scale and small-scale concrete specimens. Several specimens were constructed using reactive (ASR) concrete and non-reactive (regular) concrete, and their short-term and long-term structural and mechanical behavior were compared. In this presentation, we will discuss the results of the research program, will offer best practices to minimize the risk of ASR in concrete during placement, and will propose several strategies for repair of structures that have been degraded due to ASR.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Robert M Cordova |  Richard First
30 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
The Ituango dam is an embankment dam that is currently under construction on the Cauca River in Colombia. The largest hydroelectric power plant in Colombia’s history. Three large diversion tunnels used to divert the water from the river around the construction site during construction collapsed as a result of heavy rainfalls. The nearly completed pump house had to be flooded to accommodate premature water build-up in the reservoir. These tunnels would need to be permanently sealed. “Pre-stoppers” would need to be constructed in place to serve as bulk heads between which would ultimately be excavated and back-filled with concrete to permanently seal the tunnels. Additional to standard anti-washout properties, the grout had to withstand swiftly flowing water and exhibit an extended working time at temperatures above 32 degrees C. A custom grout was developed for this application. In the end, hundreds of grout micropiles were tremied, consuming more than 1,650 tons of grout, to produce...
$15.00 - $25.00

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On Demand

Stephen Lucy
49 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
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Dallas City Hall and Plaza are recognized by many due to the opening scenes of Dallas, the television show. What is less known is that the structure is a significant early example of bonded post-tensioned concrete which was utilized throughout the superstructure and two-story parking garage constructed beneath the plaza. Opened in 1977, the parking garage is a two-way bonded post-tensioned concrete slab with unreinforced drop panels supported by flared circular concrete columns. The garage covers two city blocks, extends under two adjacent multi-lane streets, and supports mature landscaping, pool, fountain, and up to 11’-0” of soil. In 2017, several square feet of a drop panel fell from the structure and subsequent observations found multiple locations of drop panel and column capital failures. A structural investigation including destructive and non-destructive testing, and analysis of the existing structure was undertaken to determine the cause of the failures.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Dr. Ali Abu Yousef |  Michael Ahern
47 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
After only six years of service, a 6-foot long narrow piece of concrete spalled off an exposed slab edge of a 680-foot tall high-rise in Texas, and fell 160 feet to the podium below. The spall was attributed to premature corrosion at the drip edge. The building featured approximately 9,200 feet of exposed slab edge over its height. Given the potential risk to safety and property of additional concrete spalls, the Owner requested forensic investigations, which (1) identified other areas with signs of similar distress and (2) determined the underlying problem of low reinforcement cover at the drip edge was pervasive. In response, repair options were developed to address the problem and restore intended durability. Given the building height, difficult exterior-only access, downtown environment, and post-tensioning anchors along the slab edge, the repair design and construction both had unique challenges to consider and overcome.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Kelly Streeter |  Daniel Gordeyeva
42 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This presentation will look at how technology is used to perform condition assessments at height and in places with difficult access utilizing a virtual toolbox that includes a wide range of instruments and tools for non-destructive evaluation and testing, and a fleet of drones, each of which has a different use. The presentation will discuss how to use drones and tools at height; how the industry is using drones in new ways; and how some municipalities are changing policies to adapt, especially with regard to facade inspections.
$15.00 - $25.00

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