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Amy Woods, P.E.
1 Hour, 20 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Matching concrete sounds simple, but there are many factors that affect color, texture, and aesthetics. There is often a challenge with using modern cementitious materials for matching older and historically manufactured cements. Whether your project is historic or contemporary, this presentation will outline materials and methodology that are important to understand when concrete matching is important. With many mid-century buildings coming of repair age, this is a critical time for understanding these concepts. The presentation will include the fundamentals of concrete materials, how cementitious materials affect concrete color, how to use color measurement technology in developing a color match mix design, how aggregate exposure affects aesthetic perception, and other helpful tips when it comes to matching concrete for durable and aesthetic results. Regionally available materials will vary, but the methodology for color matching durable repairs is fundamentally the same.
$10.00 - $40.00

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Fred Goodwin
1 hour, 4 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Concrete is the most widely used construction material and can be durable for hundreds of years; however, the main cause of concrete deterioration is from corrosion of reinforcing steel. Steel is thermodynamically unstable and will eventually oxidize to a lower energy state. The rate of deterioration in new and existing structures can be modeled to predict the service life based on the severity of the service environment, the concrete quality, the ingress of deleterious materials, and other factors to various degrees of success. This presentation will provide an overview of many of the service life models currently in use and provide an evaluation protocol for their application related to both new and existing structures.
$10.00 - $40.00

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Leon Geoxavier
29 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
High Traffic Commercial/Light Industrial applications including light manufacturing, warehouse/big-box stores and high traffic retail applications present their own unique challenges in concrete repair. This presentation will review concrete repair options that a focused on those application that may require both fast application/turnaround time and strength/use durability for forklifts and trucks. High Traffic Commercial/Light Industrial applications including light manufacturing, warehouse/big-box stores and high traffic retail applications present their own unique challenges in concrete repair. This presentation will review concrete repair options that a focused on those application that may require both fast application/turnaround time and strength/use durability for forklifts and trucks. While there are many option for quick repair that can be open to use in a matter of hours, it is important to acknowledge he potential limitations of these options over the long term.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Mike Tracy
43 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
Since the invention and introduction of Portland cement-based, self-leveling underlayments in the U.S. in 1978, sub-floor preparation technologies, means and methods have continuously evolved. This evolution has been driven by dynamic market forces, including more manufacturers, a larger and more experienced installer base, increased adoption rates with a wider range of applications, ever-increasing project sizes and complexity, new flooring structures with more demanding requirements, the ability to handle high moisture levels with less surface preparation and fast track construction.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Mr. James T Boatright, III |  Scott L Weiland, PE
45 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
This update includes fall protection requirements for low slope roofs, façade access, and ladders as well as a timeline for compliance. This seminar not only addresses the recent 2017 updates to 29 CFR Part 1910 General Industry, but is an overview of all fall protection standards found in both Part 1910 for General Industry and Part 1926 Construction. The components of a Comprehensive Managed Fall Protection Program are also presented as well as specific requirements for the fall protection options available. Because many in the industry either do not understand the standards, are unaware of the available OSHA interpretations, or prefer not to spend money training their employees, misinformation is being spread. This seminar provides the truth about the required implementation of the updated fall protection standards and the standards that remain in place.
$15.00 - $25.00

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David G. Tepke
42 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
Repairing and extending the service life of concrete in severe environments first requires that one understands what may be considered severe why it may be considered so. This presentation will discuss the ways in which different organizations and technical committees around the world define ‘severe environments’ for concrete structures; types of deterioration mechanisms and materials-related distress that may severely and quickly deteriorate concrete, type of structures with potentially severe environments, and U.S. geographical considerations.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Mr. Larry D. Olson
41 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
The case-histories based presentation will focus on the use of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods to detect flaws and damage in concrete construction. Case histories will be presented for detection and mapping of flaws and damage in concrete such as cracking, delamination, honeycomb, void, corrosion, fire damage, alkali-silica reaction and low strength concrete. The case histories for the concrete structures are anticipated to include parking structures, bridges, buildings and dams. NDE methods will include sonic/ultrasonic, infrared thermography, radar and corrosion technologies where the results in many cases were confirmed by coring. The use of some of the NDE methods for QA of concrete repairs such as epoxy injection and patching will also be discussed.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Marthe Brock
50 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
From the days of boiled Linseed oil, to the discovery of membrane forming cures, to the development of carbon dioxide injection; curing has evolved to accommodate the demands of the construction industry. This presentation will look back at the early standards developed by ASTM, contrasting them to the standards that are currently under consideration. There are many ways to cure concrete, this presentation will review the various product options framed in the context of weather. Lastly, the presentation will explore the various methods discussing the features and benefits of the common curing practices of today.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Alfred Gardiner
34 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
Two projects will be explored in this presentation. The first is a concrete structure which for 20 years was exposed to extreme heat. The second is a structure which was exposed to extreme vibrations. Both these structures were integral parts of manufacturing processes and required limited down time to repair. The questions needing to be answered were: what is the condition of the existing concrete and what are the repair options for these structures. We turned to non-destructive techniques to evaluate these structures. Non-destructive techniques can provide insight into structures when accompanied by experienced engineers and petrographic analysis. Repair options were provided at the end of our evaluation leading to reduced down time and well-planned repairs.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Ken Lozen |  Rick Edelson, P.E. |  Elena Kessi |  Mrs Kristen Foreman, PE MS
45 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
ICRI in-person conventions consist of numerous networking opportunities. In many cases, we catch up with old friends who we have not seen in a while, and get to know new friends. Great stories abound, including how ICRI members came to be involved in the organization. Tune in to hear some of these stories in a relaxed, “sitting-at-the-bar” exchange among notable ICRI leaders.
$0.00 - Base Price

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John Zhang
45 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
Shotcrete has been used widely for rehabilitation and retrofit of concrete structures. More and more large infrastructures, in particular, in the hydro power industry, is using shotcrete for major rehabilitation and retrofit. Recently, the US Army Corps of Engineers has been engaged in structural modifications to reinforced concrete draft tube exits from the turbines in the Ice Harbor Lock and Dam located on the Snake River, Washington. This presentation details the structural modification to the draft tube which was successfully completed using wet-mix shotcrete.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Farhad Habibi, PhD |  Justin Breg, PhD
36 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) can cause significant damage to concrete structures including bridges, roadways, airport runways, and nuclear power plants. When reactive aggregates are included in a mix, the presence of moisture initiates a reaction between the alkaline cement paste and reactive amorphous silica. The result is a gel that continues to dilate, which may cause cracks in the concrete mass. A research program was undertaken at the University of Toronto to investigate the effects of ASR on large-scale and small-scale concrete specimens. Several specimens were constructed using reactive (ASR) concrete and non-reactive (regular) concrete, and their short-term and long-term structural and mechanical behavior were compared. In this presentation, we will discuss the results of the research program, will offer best practices to minimize the risk of ASR in concrete during placement, and will propose several strategies for repair of structures that have been degraded due to ASR.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Robert M Cordova |  Richard First
30 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
The Ituango dam is an embankment dam that is currently under construction on the Cauca River in Colombia. The largest hydroelectric power plant in Colombia’s history. Three large diversion tunnels used to divert the water from the river around the construction site during construction collapsed as a result of heavy rainfalls. The nearly completed pump house had to be flooded to accommodate premature water build-up in the reservoir. These tunnels would need to be permanently sealed. “Pre-stoppers” would need to be constructed in place to serve as bulk heads between which would ultimately be excavated and back-filled with concrete to permanently seal the tunnels. Additional to standard anti-washout properties, the grout had to withstand swiftly flowing water and exhibit an extended working time at temperatures above 32 degrees C. A custom grout was developed for this application. In the end, hundreds of grout micropiles were tremied, consuming more than 1,650 tons of grout, to produce...
$15.00 - $25.00

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Eric Williams
25 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
Presentation will discuss Vision 2020 (Development, Successes and Challenges) as well as items which still need to be completed. This portion of the presentation will be followed by an overview of the presenter's perspective on the future needs for the concrete repair industry. All attendees will be invited to participate in a workshop to develop a complete list of industry needs (consensus if possible).
$0.00 - Base Price

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Stephen Lucy
49 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
Dallas City Hall and Plaza are recognized by many due to the opening scenes of Dallas, the television show. What is less known is that the structure is a significant early example of bonded post-tensioned concrete which was utilized throughout the superstructure and two-story parking garage constructed beneath the plaza. Opened in 1977, the parking garage is a two-way bonded post-tensioned concrete slab with unreinforced drop panels supported by flared circular concrete columns. The garage covers two city blocks, extends under two adjacent multi-lane streets, and supports mature landscaping, pool, fountain, and up to 11’-0” of soil. In 2017, several square feet of a drop panel fell from the structure and subsequent observations found multiple locations of drop panel and column capital failures. A structural investigation including destructive and non-destructive testing, and analysis of the existing structure was undertaken to determine the cause of the failures.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Dr. Ali Abu Yousef |  Michael Ahern
47 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
After only six years of service, a 6-foot long narrow piece of concrete spalled off an exposed slab edge of a 680-foot tall high-rise in Texas, and fell 160 feet to the podium below. The spall was attributed to premature corrosion at the drip edge. The building featured approximately 9,200 feet of exposed slab edge over its height. Given the potential risk to safety and property of additional concrete spalls, the Owner requested forensic investigations, which (1) identified other areas with signs of similar distress and (2) determined the underlying problem of low reinforcement cover at the drip edge was pervasive. In response, repair options were developed to address the problem and restore intended durability. Given the building height, difficult exterior-only access, downtown environment, and post-tensioning anchors along the slab edge, the repair design and construction both had unique challenges to consider and overcome.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Mr. Peter Craig |  David L Paal |  Scott Michael Tarr |  Adam Bakeman
Five 1-hour webinars
Short Description:
Moisture-related problems with floor coverings and coatings are a serious and costly issue. Each year the direct and in-direct costs associated with such problems amount to billions of unplanned dollars. In this 5-part webinar series, experts in the field of moisture in concrete, testing, mitigation and repair will share information and experience in a ground up approach to the causes and solutions to such problems. The program covers the sources of moisture in concrete, the affect moisture has on slab behavior and the installation of flooring materials, the test methods used to properly assess slab moisture condition, moisture mitigation strategies, and more. 
$75.00 - $120.00

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Publication Date:
Jan 01, 2021
Short Description:
ACI and ICRI have published an updated “Guide to the Code for Assessment, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete Structures, A Companion to ACI 562-19.” This guide provides the licensed design professional with the knowledge, skill, and judgment to interpret and properly use ACI 562-19, and provides insight into the use and benefits of the code for contractors, material manufacturers, building owners, and building officials.
$79.00 - $129.00

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Short Description:
Purchase publication Code Requirements for Assessment, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete Structures and Commentary (ACI 562-19) and publication Guide to the Code for Evaluation, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Concrete Buildings (562MAN-20) together. Hard copies only.
$131.00 - $214.00

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Mr. Peter Craig
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Moisture coming from, or through a concrete floor slab, can lead to conditions that are damaging to floor coverings, coatings, the building’s environment, and the ability to store moisture sensitive products directly on a floor slab.  In this webinar, attendees will learn where potentially damaging levels of moisture come from, how moisture migrates, and what design measures are an absolute necessity to minimize the risk of moisture-related problems.
$10.00 - $40.00

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Scott Michael Tarr
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Concrete is one of the most versatile building materials in the world and can produce floor slabs that provide an excellent platform for floor coverings and coatings. Water is an essential component of every concrete mixture.  Without it, concrete is not workable and finishable. If water is not used, the cement in the mixture cannot hydrate and gain the required strength.  However, once placement, finishing, and curing is complete, remaining moisture in the concrete can adversely affect the installation of flooring materials and the behavior of the slab itself. This webinar will discuss the importance of water in a concrete mixture and review a few concrete problems that water can cause, such as shrinkage, curling, ASR, delamination, dusting, and scaling. In addition, attendees will learn the design and construction considerations that can be used to minimize the potentially adverse effects of moisture in concrete.
$10.00 - $40.00

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Short Description:
This guide specification aids the Design Professional in the preparation of technical specifications for inclusion directly into a project manual for the construction of cementitious bonded overlays that are in line with the state-of-the-art materials and methods used in the concrete repair industry. The document provides an outline for developing the three parts of the specification through suggested text, references, and commentary for evaluating alternatives. This specification section must be used with ICRI 110.1, Guide Specifications for Structural Concrete Repairs. Both the printed and PDF copies include a Word document with hidden text for easy modification of text to meet specific cementitious bonded overlay project requirements. PDF version is free to ICRI members when ordered online.
$0.00 - $80.00

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Publication Date:
Mar 26, 2021
Short Description:
This guide specification aids the Design Professional in the preparation of technical specifications for inclusion directly into a project manual for the construction of cementitious bonded overlays that are in line with the state-of-the-art materials and methods used in the concrete repair industry. The document provides an outline for developing the three parts of the specification through suggested text, references, and commentary for evaluating alternatives. This specification section must be used with ICRI 110.1, Guide Specifications for Structural Concrete Repairs. Both the printed and PDF copies include a Word document with hidden text for easy modification of text to meet specific cementitious bonded overlay project requirements. PDF version is free to ICRI members when ordered online.
$40.00 - $80.00

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Erik Villari |  Michael Salera
45 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Systems (aka UAVs aka Drones) continues to be a hot topic for engineers and designers. Within the past 10 years, we have seen technology change how we live, work, play and learn. These advances in technology have enabled humans to be more efficient as well as socially and environmentally conscious and connected. Advances in engineering technology and efficiency have expanded structural engineer’s roles in inspection services. This presentation will highlight drone utilization for exterior surveys and inspection, impact on the built environment, and how drones will continue to influence in the future. This includes areas that are too dangerous for humans or structures where rigging can be difficult or impossible as well as the cost benefits of using a drone. The presentation will also delve into the effectiveness and appropriate applications of drone usage, specifically for hands-on applications.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Hamed Layssi
45 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The application of nondestructive testing and evaluation for detecting existing defects and anomalies in concrete structures will be presented. Proper inspection and assessment is an integral part of a successful repair and rehabilitation. A well-defined inspection will help asset owners and their consultants in identifying the location and extent of existing defects, and enabling them in selecting proper repair materials and optimizing the area that needs rehabilitation. Moreover, NDT methods can help identify potential defects that are not visible to the naked eye, such as early-stage delamination, corrosion, and other durability related issues. In this presentation, several cases in Canada will be demonstrated, where the results of nondestructive testing and evaluation have been used to help consultants and contractors with cost-effective and reliable repair planning. Applications of ground penetrating radar, ultrasonic pulse echo tomography, seismic tomography, will be discussed.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Stacia Van Zetten
45 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The general sentiment around construction and modern technology is that the industry has been slow to embrace it. While this is true of the past, the current and future construction industry is all about modern technology. Not only does technology help to make the industry safer (something that has been a struggle for a very long time), but it is helping contractors to take back control of their budgets, to make smarter choices about project planning and equipment and is, consequently, pushing the green-construction trend forward. The purpose of this presentation is to provide a summary on the current technologies being used in the construction industry with a focus on concrete and to dig even further as to how these can be applied to repair projects. It will provide case studies on how using technology to bring ambient and concrete temperature, relative humidity and strength (among other) data online can help contractors be more efficient.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Dr. Thomas M. Frankie |  Daniela Mauro
51 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
On August 9, 2019, Tyson Foods' Holcomb, Kansas beef plant experienced the first large fire in the meat processing industry in nearly 20 years. The long-burning fire precipitated the collapse of a portion of the high roof over the mechanical mezzanine, which housed equipment for numerous critical plant processes. This took portions of the plant, the second largest in the United States, out of operation for months. The pressures of substantial business interruption costs, as well as the market consequences for cattle feeders from the Southern Plains region, necessitated a rapid response. This presentation highlights the investigation into the extent of damage to precast members, including visual inspection, nondestructive and laboratory evaluations, testing, simulation, and analyses. Based on this investigation, members were identified for repair or removal and replacement.
$15.00 - $25.00

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60 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Join us for an exciting hour showcasing new initiatives of ICRI; innovations at the chapter level; and a high energy panel discussion exploring lessons from the pandemic that are re-shaping our industry.
$0.00 - Base Price

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Stewart Abrams
41 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Richard Miller Treatment Plant is a 240 mgd cap. potable water treatment facility located in the California area of the Cincinnati, Ohio, US. After installing an advanced ultraviolet (UV) disinfection treatment system in 2013, GCWW became the largest water utility in North America to use UV light following sand filtration and granular activated carbon. The concrete filter gallery building was originally constructed in 1907 with 26 filters, with a 14-filter addition in 1937 and 7 filters added in 1964. After over 110 years of service, the structures started showing significant signs of deterioration, most commonly concrete spalling and reinforcing steel corrosion. This case study will highlight the methods used to evaluate the structures that involved conventional methods such as sounding, crack mapping, chemical and petrographic examinations, along with technology such as Half-Cell Potential/ICOR, Impact-Echo, Ground Penetrating Radar, and UAS (Drone) services.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Michael Sprinkel
37 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The prestressed beams in the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel Approach Spans were fabricated in about 1960 (west bound lane) and 1970 (east bound lane). The spans are 50-ft and 75-ft, respectively. The brackish water environment caused corrosion and failure of the bottom strands and deterioration and spalling of the cover concrete in many beams. A project in 2018 strengthened 30 of the more deteriorated beams as an alternative to posting or replacing the bridges. Carbon fiber composite wrap (CFCW) and external post-tensioning (PT) were used to strengthen the beams. Prior to construction, a PT mockup was done with one 50-ft (flexible filler) and one 75-ft (grout) beam to demonstrate that the contractor had the materials, equipment and staff to successfully do the external PT. This presentation describes the project’s mockups and construction and the anticipated increase in strength to be obtained from application of the CFCW and external PT.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Andy Garver |  Tim Ekberg
43 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Technology is not limited to innovative materials or equipment on a jobsite. Digital technology is changing how teams operate and is dramatically increasing efficiency and effectiveness. Cloud-based project management software allows key stakeholders to consolidate project data on to one mobile platform for easy collaboration. The entire project team, from general contractors, specialty contractors, owners, architects, engineers, conservators, and others can exchange data and documents with the tap of a screen. Communication between the field and the office is streamlined where everyone has access to real-time project details. This helps avoid duplicate entry errors and rework because teams built from an outdated drawing. In addition to drawings and details, project management software brings contracts, submittals, RFIs, billings, safety reporting, meeting minutes, photos, and financial reporting into one platform.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Kristian Krc |  David T Ford
44 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Arrowhead Stadium originally opened in 1972 and is known to be the home to the Super Bowl Champions Kansas City Chiefs. Renovations of the stadium completed in 2010 included adding luxury suites on the club level of the stadium. This meant that the upper seating bowl not only had to seat more than 34,000 Chief fans but also act as a "roof" for the new luxury suites. The upper seating bowl comprises L-shaped precast concrete seating risers spanning from cast-in-place concrete raker beams and is divided by sixteen expansion joints. In 2018, the planning for the upper seating bowl waterproofing program began. The goal for the repair project was to implement waterproofing upgrades to protect the concrete for the next 10 years. To add to the challenge of a large-scale waterproofing and structural repair project, the construction efforts had to include coordination with simultaneous seat replacement to be completed in a single off-season.
$15.00 - $25.00

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40 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This is your opportunity to learn what’s happening with ICRI. 2020 President Mark LeMay will host a recap of the past year, with 2021 President Elena Kessi providing some highlights of what to expect in the near future. We will update you on our newest class of 40 Under 40 recipients and acknowledge our Supporting Members. This is also our opportunity to introduce to you the association’s 2021 Board of Directors and express gratitude to those remarkable volunteers whose technical and administrative committee service ended in 2020.
$0.00 - Base Price

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Kelly Streeter |  Daniel Gordeyeva
42 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This presentation will look at how technology is used to perform condition assessments at height and in places with difficult access utilizing a virtual toolbox that includes a wide range of instruments and tools for non-destructive evaluation and testing, and a fleet of drones, each of which has a different use. The presentation will discuss how to use drones and tools at height; how the industry is using drones in new ways; and how some municipalities are changing policies to adapt, especially with regard to facade inspections.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Shayan Yazdani
40 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Arlington Memorial Bridge is a reinforced concrete spandrel arch bridge that connects Washington, DC and Virginia across the Potomac River. After over 85 years in service, the bridge started exhibiting signs of deterioration, including reinforcement corrosion. As part of a major rehabilitation effort to extend the bridge’s service life, targeted cathodic protection (CP) systems were installed in the arch cross-walls, floors, and under arches to mitigate and prevent corrosion. The implemented CP system consisted of galvanic and two-stage anodes to mitigate corrosion. Galvanic anodes were installed in the repair areas to prevent the ring anode affect and ensure a durable concrete repair. The two-stage anodes were installed in areas of concrete which were actively corroding without signs of concrete deterioration.
$15.00 - $25.00

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Charu Chaudhry
44 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Historic 19th and 20th century buildings are currently facing the necessity of meeting contemporary needs such as adaptive re-use, energy efficiency, stability, and durability. The characteristics of architecture of these periods (i.e., material, design, details, maintenance, and functionality) increasingly make it challenging to maintain authenticity while incorporating new uses. Various strategies of technical interventions can be employed to achieve good results. This presentation will cover the case study of abandoned historic hospital pavilions from the early 20th century which are being converted into a high-end residential complex. The buildings face multiple challenges related to adaptive re-use, as they will be restored and connected with new infills and a glass connector and capped with re-creation of the historic cornices.
$15.00 - $25.00

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H. Peter Golter, P.E. FICRI
41 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This presentation looks at buildings that are new or being rehabilitated and the impact on making buildings more energy efficient. Starting with the 2012 IBC, and specifically the 2012 IECC portion of the building code and newer versions, the presentation will look at three aspects of the building envelope: Water Resistance, Air Leakage, and Moisture Transmission. It will then compare to identical buildings, the first built in 2000 and the second constructed in 2020. Illustrations and calculations will show how controlling air leakage can have an enormous impact on the service life of the structure, initial cost of construction, and on-going operations. Lastly, the presentation will look at how incorporating simple additions during the repair/rehabilitation process can have a positive impact on the environment as well as the building owner and the building’s constituents.
$15.00 - $25.00

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1 Hour, 12 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
he appeal of a post-pandemic return to normalcy is undeniable. Everyone is ready to leave the days of mask wearing and Zoom meetings behind and to return to the days of water cooler gatherings and all-staff meetings. However, even as we (hopefully) move past the pandemic, it is critical for companies to not lose sight of what they accomplished despite the pandemic. Companies across the world innovated more in one year than they had in the previous twenty years to keep business alive. The question we must now address is: how do we maintain those initiatives and innovative ways of working that allowed us to succeed throughout COVID-19 despite the temptation to return to “business as usual”? In this session, Dr. Hataway will provide essential strategies to help you and your company grow your competitive edge in a post-pandemic world.
$0.00 - Base Price

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David L Paal
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Testing moisture in concrete doesn't need to be complicated. Five (5) currently recognized ASTM test protocols for testing concrete slabs for moisture will be explained using the "How and Why" perspective while providing the proper, yet basic, scientific context behind their usage.
$10.00 - $40.00

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Adam Bakeman |  Mr. Peter Craig |  David L Paal |  Scott Michael Tarr
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Moisture-related floor covering and coating failures are a very costly and disruptive issue with the direct and in-direct costs associated with such issues estimated to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars each year in the United States alone. In this session, a brief overview of the previous sessions will be provided and experts in the field of slab moisture, concrete, testing and forensics will answer your industry questions related to the subject.
$10.00 - $40.00

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Mr. Peter Craig
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The mitigation of moisture in concrete floor slabs has become an entire sub-industry to the placement of concrete floor slabs that will receive a moisture-sensitive floor covering or coating. In this webinar, attendees will learn what approaches are being used to mitigate an unacceptably high level of moisture in a concrete floor slab and what pre-installation evaluation procedures are necessary to help ensure the success of a moisture mitigation strategy.
$10.00 - $40.00

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Dave Fuller
1 Hour
Audio and Video
$10.00 - $40.00

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Short Description:
The purpose of this document, updated in 2023, is to provide a standardized protocol for testing and reporting of data for inorganic repair materials. Descriptions of material limitations, packaging, storage, label contents, application instructions, material composition, and material properties can be inconsistent, confusing, missing, or misleading. The ACI 364.3R/ICRI 320.3R Cementitious Repair Material Data Sheet—Guide is a first in the industry to provide this information in a standardized, logical, and consistent format so that repair materials can be appropriately selected and specified.
$0.00 - Base Price

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Short Description:
This updated and revised guideline will assist contractors, NDE service providers, owners, design professionals, and material suppliers in the selection of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods for evaluating the condition of concrete structures. NDE methods can be very useful to perform a condition assessment prior to repairs and to provide quality control and assurance of repairs and long-term performance monitoring. Considerations in planning and executing an NDE program, including correlating with destructive methods, are discussed in the guideline. Guidance, including a brief synopsis of each method, is presented for selecting which NDE methods are appropriate for the concrete property/condition being assessed.
$0.00 - $62.00

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Publication Date:
Sep 01, 2021
Short Description:
This updated and revised guideline will assist contractors, NDE service providers, owners, design professionals, and material suppliers in the selection of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods for evaluating the condition of concrete structures. NDE methods can be very useful to perform a condition assessment prior to repairs and to provide quality control and assurance of repairs and long-term performance monitoring. Considerations in planning and executing an NDE program, including correlating with destructive methods, are discussed in the guideline. Guidance, including a brief synopsis of each method, is presented for selecting which NDE methods are appropriate for the concrete property/condition being assessed.
$31.00 - $62.00

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Keith Kesner, P.E., S.E.
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Codes and standards are developed for use by design professionals; however, the use of codes and standards significantly impacts Owners and Contractors. The ACI 562 code was motivated by the poor performance of repaired concrete structures, specifically premature failure of repairs and limited durability of repaired structures. Development of the code was intended to benefit owners and contractors by improving performance and perceptions regarding repairs to existing structures.
$0.00 - Base Price

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Publication Date:
Dec 01, 2021
Short Description:
This guide specification aids the Design Professional in the preparation of technical specifications for inclusion directly into a project manual for the construction of cementitious bonded overlays that are in line with the state-of-the-art materials and methods used in the concrete repair industry. The document provides an outline for developing the three parts of the specification through suggested text, references, and commentary for evaluating alternatives. This specification section must be used with ICRI 110.1, Guide Specifications for Structural Concrete Repairs. Both the printed and PDF copies include a Word document with hidden text for easy modification of text to meet specific cementitious bonded overlay project requirements. PDF version is free to ICRI members when ordered online.

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Short Description:
This guide specification aids the Design Professional in the preparation of technical specifications for inclusion directly into a project manual for the construction of cementitious bonded overlays that are in line with the state-of-the-art materials and methods used in the concrete repair industry. The document provides an outline for developing the three parts of the specification through suggested text, references, and commentary for evaluating alternatives. This specification section must be used with ICRI 110.1, Guide Specifications for Structural Concrete Repairs. Both the printed and PDF copies include a Word document with hidden text for easy modification of text to meet specific cementitious bonded overlay project requirements. PDF version is free to ICRI members when ordered online.
$0.00 - $80.00

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Short Description:
This bundle is for Hard Copies only. This bundle includes the 110.1 (2016) and 110.3 (2021) Guide Specifications. The documents cover Guide Specifications for Structural Concrete Repair and Guide Specifications for Cementitious Bonded Overlay, respectively.
$60.00 - $120.00

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Short Description:
This bundle includes the 110.1 (2016), 110.2 (2020), 110.3 (2021). 330.2 (2016) Guide Specifications. The documents cover Guide Specifications for Structural Concrete Repair, Epoxy Injection, Guide Specifications for Cementitious Bonded Overlay, and Externally Bonded FRP Fabric Systems for Strengthening Concrete Structures, respectively.
$120.00 - $240.00

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On Demand

Pete Haveron
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This webinar will discuss the keys to proper surface preparation including establishing the appropriate level of surface profile, evaluating the concrete substrate and the material being installed to determine the correct level of preparation as well as the correct methods and tools to achieve that level.
$0.00 - $40.00

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On Demand

Andrew Jones
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This webinar covers when and why to use Clear Water Repellents on masonry and concrete.
$0.00 - $40.00

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On Demand

Eric Muench |  Dan Wald
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Industry experts Eric Muench and Dan Wald will discuss how to best select the right traffic bearing waterproof membrane technology for concrete protection.
$0.00 - $40.00

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On Demand

Dave Fuller
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This discussion focuses on addressing critical areas to help avoid costly issues when installing protective coatings and sealers.
$0.00 - $40.00

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On Demand

Dave Fuller |  Keith Kesner, P.E., S.E. |  David G. Tepke |  John Landry |  John McDougall, CSRT |  Aamer Syed
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This 60-minute session will be comprised of a 10-15 minute introduction to ACI 562, followed by a 45-minute discussion by a moderated panel of various experienced stakeholders in the concrete repair industry, including Specifiers, Contractors, Manufacturer/Distributors, and Owners.
$0.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Baruch Gedalia
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This presentation aims at providing clear and down to earth definitions of what Post-Tensioning systems are, the different repair strategies related to these systems, and critical factors to be accounted for during the design and execution of any intervention on a Post-Tensioning slab. 
$0.00 - Base Price

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Short Description:
Reported by ACI Committee 562 This latest version of the code was developed to provide design professionals a code for the assessment of damage and deterioration, and the design of appropriate repair and rehabilitation strategies. The code provides minimum requirements for assessment, repair, and rehabilitation of existing structural concrete buildings, members, systems and, where applicable, nonbuilding structures. ACI 562-21 was specifically developed to be incorporated into the International Existing Building Code (IEBC) or to be adopted as a stand-alone code.
$99.00 - $159.00

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On Demand

Fred Goodwin
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This webinar will cover the basics of concrete, its composition, properties, and deterioration mechanisms.
$0.00 - $40.00

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On Demand

Jorge Costa, P.E.
100 minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In this presentation, we will address the effect that corrosion has on our concrete infrastructure, including buildings, bridges, sea walls, cooling towers, docks, and many other reinforced concrete structures.
$0.00 - $40.00

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On Demand

Richard First
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This webinar will review the causes for cracking in concrete and the standard, preventative methods for addressing movement.
$0.00 - $40.00

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Publication Date:
Oct 01, 2022
Short Description:
This guideline is intended to assist architects, engineers, owners and their agents, developers, general contractors, and flooring contractors who are accountable for the successful installation of a floor covering or coating over an interior concrete sub-floor that is on, below, or above grade. This guideline provides information regarding moisture issues, moisture testing methods, interpretation of test results, and moisture mitigation strategies. The information provided in the guideline is meant to assist in the successful installation of floor coverings and coatings.
$31.00 - $62.00

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Short Description:
This guideline is intended to assist architects, engineers, owners and their agents, developers, general contractors, and flooring contractors who are accountable for the successful installation of a floor covering or coating over an interior concrete sub-floor that is on, below, or above grade. This guideline provides information regarding moisture issues, moisture testing methods, interpretation of test results, and moisture mitigation strategies. The information provided in the guideline is meant to assist in the successful installation of floor coverings and coatings.
$0.00 - $62.00

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On Demand

Belin Wills |  Ethan Namink
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This unique webinar specifically focuses on the technology, process & application of using high-pressure water to remove concrete, called Hydro Demolition.
$0.00 - $40.00

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On Demand

Peter Tarara |  Chris White
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This presentation will cover technical considerations, repair techniques, concrete repair basics and the selection and use of repair materials.
$0.00 - $40.00

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On Demand

Charles Hanskat, P.E.
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Discover the innovative and sustainable advantages of shotcrete, a highly efficient concrete placement technique that offers engineers unparalleled flexibility in shaping and reinforcing concrete structures while achieving superior strength and durability.
$0.00 - $40.00

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Publication Date:
Jun 01, 2023
Short Description:
The intent of this document is to provide objective, standards-based comparison for the specification, evaluation, and approval of the degree of surface preparation of exposed conventional reinforcing steel by abrasive media blasting and mechanical hand tool methods. This guide is designed for use with associated illustrative materials available in digital or physical form through ICRI.
$31.00 - $62.00

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Short Description:
The intent of this document is to provide objective, standards-based comparison for the specification, evaluation, and approval of the degree of surface preparation of exposed conventional reinforcing steel by abrasive media blasting and mechanical hand tool methods. This guide is designed for use with associated illustrative materials available in digital or physical form through ICRI.
$0.00 - $62.00

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Publication Date:
May 01, 2023
Short Description:
This guideline is intended to provide information for the selection and application of materials for fluid-applied waterproofing systems to concrete for horizontal pedestrian and vehicular traffic surfaces. Concrete is subject to deterioration by a variety of mechanisms. Properly selected and applied traffic membrane systems can protect concrete from deterioration caused by abrasion, moisture intrusion, environmental forces (freezing-and-thawing cycling), and chemical attack. This guideline provides information on the common service conditions, basic review of the properties of concrete, surface preparation, system designs, and materials used for traffic membranes.
$31.00 - $62.00

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Short Description:
This guideline is intended to provide information for the selection and application of materials for fluid-applied waterproofing systems to concrete for horizontal pedestrian and vehicular traffic surfaces. Concrete is subject to deterioration by a variety of mechanisms. Properly selected and applied traffic membrane systems can protect concrete from deterioration caused by abrasion, moisture intrusion, environmental forces (freezing-and-thawing cycling), and chemical attack. This guideline provides information on the common service conditions, basic review of the properties of concrete, surface preparation, system designs, and materials used for traffic membranes.
$0.00 - $62.00

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On Demand

Ms Monica M. Rourke
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This presentation is based on the updated revisions to the original document entitled Guide for the Selection of Grouts to Control Leakage in Concrete Structures. This webinar addresses the selection of chemical grouts typically used to control and/or mitigate the ingress of water in concrete structures, specifically cracks and joints.
$0.00 - $40.00

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On Demand

Scott M. Greenhaus
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Concrete repair activities expose the workforce to significant risk of head injuries. Helmets can help the construction industry reduce these avoidable fatalities and injuries.
$0.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

James Farny
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This session describes common issues to consider and potential modifications when using PLC materials to ensure successful implementation.
$25.00 - $40.00

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On Demand

Mr. Matthew Sherman
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This session will explore the differences between bonded and unbonded topping slabs, discuss materials- and installation-related causes of failures, and provide guidelines to properly implement each type of topping slab.
$25.00 - $40.00

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On Demand

Charles Hanskat, P.E. |  Marcus Von der Hofen
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Galvanized corrugated metal and concrete underground culverts are common infrastructure in North American highways and stormwater management. A shotcrete lining is a cost-effective and efficient method to strengthen and significantly extend their useful life.
$25.00 - $40.00

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Christian Stone, M.S., M.Phys. |  David Bewley
1 hour
Short Description:
This session describes how novel corrosion management techniques have been used to extend the life of a variety of heritage structures, including a church, a bridge and even a castle.
$25.00 - $40.00

Tue, Aug 27, 2024 - 01:00pm to 02:00pm CDT

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8 hours (estimated)
Access for 12 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
The Education Course is for everyone who desires fundamental knowledge and best practices on concrete surface repair and requires participation in five (5) online training modules and graded exams, with each module incorporating education and training with questions. Those who successfully complete this program, including passing all five (5) online training modules and exams, will receive a Certificate of Achievement from ICRI.
$0.00 - $395.00

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On Demand

Rick Edelson, P.E.
30 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
The ACI 562-16 Repair Code is primarily intended for the Licensed Design Professional for providing the requirements necessary for assessing and designing repairs and rehabilitation of existing concrete structures.
$0.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Keith Kesner, P.E., S.E.
39 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
In June 2016, ACI published ACI 562-16,” Code Requirements for Assessment, Repair and Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete Structures and Commentary”. ACI 562-16 replaces ACI 562-13 as a standard for the repair of existing concrete structures. Significant changes to ACI 562-16 include improvements in terminology for consistency with ISO, ASCE and other documents, inclusion of requirements for level of repair based upon extent of damage present, and revisions to the interface bond provisions. The video will describe the concrete repair code, focusing on key changes made to the code and describe how the code is to be used on concrete repair projects.
$0.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Kip Gatto, P.E.
29 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
This video will illustrate an example of how various sections of ACI 562 are applied in the execution of a complex repair project, the repurposing of a historic train deck into a transportation hub for light rail trains and busses. Methods of evaluation and analysis, as guided by ACI 562, will be presented with a discussion of how these provisions lead to various repair approaches presented to the owner.
$0.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Pat Martin, P.E.
26 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
This video will discuss how the requirements of ACI 562-16 are used in the evaluation and repair of parking structures. It will take participants through a representative garage project, utilizing Design Example 1 from the Guide to the Use of ACI 562 as the basis. Evaluation and design considerations will be discussed relative to the Repair Code as well as QA/QC and the Engineers' Role during construction.
$0.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Chuck Larosche, P.E.
23 Minutes
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
This video will illustrate an example of how various sections of ACI 562 are applied in the execution of a Precast/Prestressed Double-Tee repair project. Methods of evaluation and analysis, as guided by ACI 562, will be presented with a discussion of how these provisions can lead to various repair approaches.
$0.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Karl Rickert, P.E.
1 Hour, 2 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This webinar will review issues that should be addressed when preparing a specification for concrete repair. ICRI developed an editable specification titled “Guide Specification for Structural Concrete Repairs” that can be used by design professionals. The webinar reviews the specification and discusses decisions that should be considered when developing a concrete repair specification.
$10.00 - $40.00

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10 Hours (Estimated)
Access for 18 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
The Certification course, ICRI Concrete Surface Repair Technician—Grade 1, is for individuals who want to become a qualified inspector for concrete repair and qualifies the individual to perform pre- and post-placement inspections and testing. It includes the Education Course — five (5) online training modules and graded exams, an online knowledge exam and a performance exam (Video submission is included in course fee. When available, on-location live performance exam for an additional fee). By passing the five (5) online training modules and exams, the online knowledge exam, and performance exam, an ICRI Concrete Surface Repair Technician—Grade 1 certification will be issued by ICRI, and the individual will receive a certificate and wallet card. The individual can also be added to the ICRI Certified Concrete Surface Repair Technician database on the ICRI website if desired.
$240.00 - $560.00

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8 hours (estimated)
Short Description:
This option is available for those who purchased either the Education or Certification Course – but failed one of the training Modules 1-5.
$49.00 - $99.00

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Access for 12 month(s) after purchase.
Short Description:
This option is available for those who purchased the Certification course and completed the training Modules 1-5 and the knowledge exam — but failed one or more of the tests in the performance exam.
$99.00 - $149.00

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Publication Date:
Jan 01, 2016
Short Description:
This is the initial document in a series of guide specifications to be prepared by ICRI. The guide specification offers a methodology for standardizing the essential requirements for structural concrete repairs by providing specification text, optional requirements, and commentary to allow the user to tailor the document to a specific concrete repair project, and use as a technical specification section in a complete project manual. Both the printed and PDF copies include a Word document with hidden text for easy modification of text to meet specific repair project requirements.
$40.00 - $80.00

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Short Description:
This is the initial document in a series of guide specifications to be prepared by ICRI. The guide specification offers a methodology for standardizing the essential requirements for structural concrete repairs by providing specification text, optional requirements, and commentary to allow the user to tailor the document to a specific concrete repair project, and use as a technical specification section in a complete project manual. Both the printed and PDF copies include a Word document with hidden text for easy modification of text to meet specific repair project requirements.
$0.00 - $80.00

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120.1-2009 - Guidelines and Recommendations for Safety in the Concrete Repair Industry

120 General - Environmental Health and Safety Committee

Publication Date:
Jan 01, 2009
Short Description:
This guideline can be used to educate supervisors, craft workers, owners, and engineers in safe work practices for the concrete repair industry. The guideline will have universal appeal, as it has been developed to be a visual tool that depicts the safe performance of specific tasks and the hazards associated with those tasks. The requirements described are based on the most recent OSHA standards and are intended to provide guidance and training in the planning and execution of repair and restoration projects.
$31.00 - $62.00

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Short Description:
This guideline can be used to educate supervisors, craft workers, owners, and engineers in safe work practices for the concrete repair industry. The guideline will have universal appeal, as it has been developed to be a visual tool that depicts the safe performance of specific tasks and the hazards associated with those tasks. The requirements described are based on the most recent OSHA standards and are intended to provide guidance and training in the planning and execution of repair and restoration projects.
$0.00 - $62.00

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Publication Date:
Jan 01, 2009
Short Description:
Este Lineamiento pretende ser una herramienta usada para educar a supervisores, trabajadores del oficio, propietarios e ingenieros sobre las prácticas de trabajo seguras en la industria de reparación de concreto. El lineamiento se ha desarrollado para ser una herramienta visual que representa el desempeño seguro de tareas específicas y los peligros asociados con ellas. Los requerimientos descritos aquí se basan en los estándares de OSHA más recientes y pretenden proporcionar una guía y capacitación en la planeación y ejecución de proyectos de reparación y restauración.
$31.00 - $62.00

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Short Description:
Este Lineamiento pretende ser una herramienta usada para educar a supervisores, trabajadores del oficio, propietarios e ingenieros sobre las prácticas de trabajo seguras en la industria de reparación de concreto. El lineamiento se ha desarrollado para ser una herramienta visual que representa el desempeño seguro de tareas específicas y los peligros asociados con ellas. Los requerimientos descritos aquí se basan en los estándares de OSHA más recientes y pretenden proporcionar una guía y capacitación en la planeación y ejecución de proyectos de reparación y restauración.
$0.00 - $62.00

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Publication Date:
Jan 01, 2009
Short Description:
Familiarity with contract types, the selection of appropriate repair work items, and documentation of completed work is essential for successful completion of a concrete repair project.This guide is intended to assist owners, consultants, and contractors in defining recommended methods of quantity measurement and contract types for concrete repair work.
$31.00 - $62.00

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Short Description:
Familiarity with contract types, the selection of appropriate repair work items, and documentation of completed work is essential for successful completion of a concrete repair project.This guide is intended to assist owners, consultants, and contractors in defining recommended methods of quantity measurement and contract types for concrete repair work.
$0.00 - $62.00

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Publication Date:
Jan 01, 2016
Short Description:
This guideline is intended to assist the contractor, licensed design professional, and owner in the development of performance specifications for quality assurance and quality control of epoxy injection of concrete cracks. It includes process-control methods to assess if satisfactory injection work is being performed. Quality assurance methods described include visual observations and testing samples during the injection work, and removing concrete core samples and performing nondestructive testing of completed repairs.
$31.00 - $62.00

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Short Description:
This guideline is intended to assist the contractor, licensed design professional, and owner in the development of performance specifications for quality assurance and quality control of epoxy injection of concrete cracks. It includes process-control methods to assess if satisfactory injection work is being performed. Quality assurance methods described include visual observations and testing samples during the injection work, and removing concrete core samples and performing nondestructive testing of completed repairs.
$0.00 - $62.00

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Publication Date:
Jan 01, 2022
Short Description:
This guide provides a recommended method of evaluating the adequacy of concrete surface preparation and tensile bond strength of cementitious and polymer concrete surface repairs using the in-situ drilled core tensile pulloff test. The guide outlines equipment and material requirements, the test procedure, reporting, and acceptance criteria. This update also includes failure modes for concrete substrate tests.
$31.00 - $62.00

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Short Description:
This guide provides a recommended method of evaluating the adequacy of concrete surface preparation and tensile bond strength of cementitious and polymer concrete surface repairs using the in-situ drilled core tensile pulloff test. The guide outlines equipment and material requirements, the test procedure, reporting, and acceptance criteria. This update also includes failure modes for concrete substrate tests.
$0.00 - $62.00

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Publication Date:
Jan 01, 2008
Short Description:
Outlines the steps in preparing concrete for replacement material in areas where corroded reinforcing steel has caused cracking, spalling, delamination, or other types of deterioration. Topics covered include exposing and undercutting reinforcing steel, edge and surface conditioning, repair of reinforcing steel, and removal geometry.
$19.00 - $38.00

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Short Description:
Outlines the steps in preparing concrete for replacement material in areas where corroded reinforcing steel has caused cracking, spalling, delamination, or other types of deterioration. Topics covered include exposing and undercutting reinforcing steel, edge and surface conditioning, repair of reinforcing steel, and removal geometry.
$0.00 - $38.00

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Publication Date:
Jan 01, 2008
Short Description:
Este lineamiento proporciona una guía sobre la remoción de concreto y los procedimientos para la preparación de la superficie paray la reparación del de concreto deteriorado provocado por la corrosión del acero de refuerzo. Se discuten la geometría de la remoción, la configuración del área de reparación, el proceso de remoción, la preparación del borde, la reparación del refuerzo, la preparación e inspección de la superficie necesarias para las reparaciones durables. Se incluyen consideraciones especiales para la remoción de concreto asociada con la reparación de columnas.
$19.00 - $38.00

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